All those are battle quotes from Super Robot War OG saga : Endless Frontier. There's some of the battle quotes that are usually in japanese. :p NSFW or young'uns. <.< So full of win though. :p
"Ashen: Isn't 'that' a bit heavy?
Kaguya: Do you mean the sword or my ...?
Ashen: Switch from Battle Mode into Trash-talk Mode.
Suzuka: Huh?
Ashen: Good work, Princess-washboard.
Suzuka: I really want to junk her...
Xiaomu: KOS-MOS let me ride you~!
KOS-MOS: I do not carry that function.
Xiaomu: Reji couple up with Harken!
Haken: Hey, Hey! No weird pairing.
Ashen: Don't you feel like our characters are a bit repeatitive?
KOS-MOS: I do not understand the purpose of that question.
KOS-MOS: Targets are weak.
Ashen: Unsatisfied? (she meant the carnal type, lol)
Kaguya: Remember, drink milk...
All lolis: Milk... so that's it!
Ashen: Analysing data...2 hours until finish.
Haken: Hey! That's WAY too long.
Ashen: You're so great desu, Master!
Haken: What kind of mode has she change into now.
KOS-MOS: Switch to close quarter combat mode
Ashen: But I CQC mode is all I had...
Ashen: KOS-MOS proceed with enemy pattern prediction.
KOS-MOS: Don't you have that function yourself?
Kaguya: Time to start working now~
Haken: Sure! lady first!
Xiaomu: I'm a little hungry, can I get a drink?
Kaguya: There's NO SUCH THING on my body.
Ashen: What is your name?
Renji: You don't deserve to know my name! (his VA is Rom)
Xiaomu: Our Courage is Approved
Haken: Okay! That's the key to victory.
KOS-MOS: System functions all green.
W07: I'm always green~
[The party comes across what appears to be a giant vine that stretches into the sky.]
Haken: What the hell is that? Some kind of vine?
Aschen: Maybe it's a tentacle, molesting the planet itself.
Henne: You're the ones who interfered with our agent in Mirabilis Castle. ...Looks like her report was right on.
Henne: "Dumbass poser wearing a black trenchcoat, black hat, red bandana, and fingerless gloves."
Haken: What...!? What's wrong with my gloves!?
Henne: "Airheaded, naive, cow-boobed human."
Kaguya: "Cow-boobed"!?
Henne: ..."Eel-looking horned dancer."
Suzuka: What!? How do I look like an eel!?
Henne: And "Bad-tempered robot (I hate this one worst of all! >XD)"
Aschen: That report has too much of a personal bias to be worth trusting.
Reiji: That sounds like the reports Xiaomu writes back at Shinra.
Haken: Okay, pilgrim. Welcome to the Endless Frontier.
Haken: Arisu in Wonderland... Heh.
Reiji: If you find any white rabbits, let me know so I can shoot them.
Kaguya: Koma! There's something really weird going on the world! We need to do some more investigating, so...
Koma: Your taste in clothes is weird. Maybe you should try finding an explanation for that first.
Kaguya: ...Let's kick her ass, Haken.
[Four copies of Kaguya come out of the generator room]
Haken: "I was looking for the generator room but it looks like I'm the one getting turned on."
Xiaomu: "Wow, it's a wall of boobs!"
Kaguya: "D-Don't say that..."
Koma:"These people are my Loyal customers!....AKA Suckers who'll buy stuff at my fantastic prices."
Dokugozo (A bull): The boss said to tear anyone who came to this weapon storage area limb from limb.
Kaguya: Well if you aren’t interested in talking then we’ll have to fight!
Dokugozo: Hey you in the white!
Kaguya: Yes?
Dokugozo: W-will you marry me?
Kaguya: Um…I’m not a cow.
Dokugozo: Oh, come on. Don’t be like that.
Aschen: Right, you're going to TELL-OS everything you know about getting back to your own world.
Reiji: That was terrible. And you aren't even in your fun mode yet.
Haken: So, how about you give us a ride in exchange for spending a night with me?
Kaguya: This is the first time I've heard him be so direct.
Anne: Tempting, but I prefer REAL men...ones with scales.
Haken: Ouch, you sunk my battleship.
Haken:.....Of course I'm doing it for the girl! The world can bite me.
Kyon: (some other stuff) See you, Miss Fanciful Boobage!
Kaguya: Aw, that's so sweet, Kyon. Remember, they say it helps to drink a lot of milk when you're a kid!
Kyon: Huh...? I-I'm not jealous of you! I don't need your homespun wisdom, you H-Game dropout!
Kaguya: W-What does that even mean...?
Kyon: ......(...Milk, huh...?)
Suzuka: (Hmm... Milk?)
Xiaomu: (Note to self: stop by the store and get milk when we get home.)
Ezel: Aheh. We shall meet again, Haken Browning."
and also...
rest of the game script is here : ... faqs/57327