AspieAshley wrote:
I think it would be cool if there was a way to play Pokemon Cards on Wrong Planet. I fantasize about that from time to time and there aren't many "neurotypical" places to do that online, at least not for free.
I'm not familiar with many games, because I don't have anyone to play them with. Can someone please explain what RTS, MMO, and RPG are?
I must say, that idea for an online Pokemon card game here would be cool. I never played the cards myself, nor had any, but I would be willing to try if they had it here.

I like the Pokemon video games, though.
As for an explanation of the terms:
RTS means Real Time Strategy, MMO means massively multiplayer online, and RPG means Role Playing game. They're all different genres of games, or types of games if you will. An RPG, Role Playing game, generally has you playing the role of a certain character, or many characters, who level up and acquire strength as you move along in the game. Games like Final Fantasy, Pokemon (the video game series), and other games similar to that would be very good examples of RPG's. RTS games are generally where the player utilizes entire groups of characters to attack, or perform any action that is, at once. These games usually have a great deal of strategy to them, and thus are called Real Time Strategy. A good example of RTS is Command and Conquer, or Halo Wars. And an MMO is a different version of RPG, where the player creates a character, levels it through fighting, quests and other things, and gains skills and gear useful for their character. However, these games have thousands of players online at once, live. Thus people can meet, fight, and converse in the games. Thus, Massively Multiplayer Online.
Hope that explains it well enough.
As for this subject of if we should create sub-groups for certain games, I'm not big on the idea, because then the forum would be all over the place. There would be TONS of groups, and there would be no way to get all of everyone's favorite RTS, MMO, or RPG games their own category. Unless you're talking about a group for all RTS, MMO, and RPG. That would work, but I think it would divide the forums too much. Besides, there's plenty of conversation on certain games here, some people have even began discussing starting up their own guilds, or factions in game for Aspies and other members of WP.
I'm not saying this isn't a good idea. But, it seems everything is working pretty well on the forums.