What Role do you like playing in MMORPG's

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19 Aug 2014, 3:21 pm

I usually play as a "Jack of all trades, master in none". A character that can solo, can heal, can tank, can be decent dd etc but doesn't specialize in any. I just like being the hero in trouble moments. Priest died? Don't worry, I got it covered, party is save. Tank dies? I will take care of the boss for a while. Need some dds? Here I am. A stupid noob takes too many mobs on himself? I save him. I am constantly busy this way. And sometimes I die because I act too fast, I just prefer to die than see someone die because I didn't help him. But at least I do a good job. Who says an aspie can't multi-task? I can't do it in life but I do it successfully in a game.

The best role for me is a summoner with magic spells and ability to heal. Pet is my tank (so I can solo while pet is my life shield), I am a dder(thanks to my damage spells+pet hits) and I can also heal if needed. Unfortunately not many summoner classes can also heal players but in the game I am playing right now is a class perfect for me. Mystic. She got ability to summon pets, has decent dmg spells, can heal and whats important - has an ability called ress buff - when a player has it on he will resurrect after dieing without priest resurrecting him. It is a must buff for priest - if priest dies my buff ress him and we are save.
I can also cast it on myself as well which is pretty useful. Especially during pvp runs. I respawn at the same spot with a few seconds safety time - I can attack but people can't touch me. :D So I'm playing kamikaze style during my solo pvp runs. I go against group of people. I die. I resurrect. I aoe. They are dead. :lol: 1 death, 6 kills.


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19 Aug 2014, 8:28 pm

DPS, less pressure, I still get occasionally yelled at though lol.

My favorite class is Lord of the Ring Online's Loremaster...the class was so much better before the Helms Deep Expansion pack, it was a true jack of all trades. In solo mode it required fair bit of crowd control and dps and utility skills to manage crowded situations, the loremaster's bear-taunt was quite literally the difference between life and death in such occasions. Christ, it used to be really fun trying to manage all the different levels of gameplay, especially in solo, there was a delicate balance that needed to be walked carefully, as you can't rely on the pet to kill mobs, and you can't do too much DPS and capture all the aggro as you are very squishy and will die FAST...all of the loremasters skills needed to be measured carefully, and tactics varied a lot from group to group, you can't do too much DPS ... at least not before some crowd-control skills were off cooldown, as the loremaster will go down fast. It was such a thrill to barely come out alive from fights through a combination of dps, pet management, and cc and then heals, but the balance of all of these working in unison was usually the way to win a fight.

After the helms deep expansion they made the game a total face-roll and simplied the lore-master into DPS roles. Loremaster lost the magic that made the class so darn special, I had so much fun soloing it. I hear they fixed the balance somewhat in recent patches, so I am going to try to play the class again soon!

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20 Aug 2014, 9:44 am

I don't play many mmo's where I'm not dps.

Currently playing a Maplestory private server called MapleCrystal. I know it's technically for the younger generation, but I like it. It's a lot of grinding, though.
Maplestory is one of those games where everyone is dps. There IS tanking, to a degree, though, which just mainly involves standing in front of the boss monster and taking status effects instead of the other players getting them. And there's healers, of course. And almost every class has a beneficial buff for the party.

Sad that a lot of people play it like "Solo Story." I prefer partying up with people.

I also like to craft a lot, and collect the stuff to make things. And then I try and make lots of money selling them. =P

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20 Aug 2014, 2:25 pm

I LOVE playing as a healer if the game have a "fun mechanic" to do it (because with some games i can fall asleep while trying). Otherwise i just go as DPS to have fun without too much stress.


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03 Sep 2014, 10:55 pm

I like playing hybrid classes esspecially Shadowknight from EQ I play a lvl 100 iksar shadowknight max aas and full set of CoTF armor!

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04 Sep 2014, 7:07 pm

Pet DPS such as WoWs Hunter or Warlock.


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05 Sep 2014, 2:39 pm

For MMORPG's I tend to solo everything. As such, I tend to be a Jack of All Trades. Spellswords, Trueblades, Necromancers, or something similar tends to be my favorite.

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17 Sep 2014, 11:31 pm

Trigger-happy, wipe-causing Scarlet H, pulling everything in sight. In lotro I had a hunter. Apart from a few arrow skills, the rest of his UI was filled with desperate flight.


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28 Oct 2014, 6:41 pm

Stealthy fighter. I can travel alone but I do better when there's a meat shield tank to stand next to me and take the damage while I get extra damage for flanking.


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29 Oct 2014, 9:22 pm

Healer all the way. Paladin, druid, cleric, priest...pretty much if it keeps others from dying I'm it. If there is a choice between types of healers I go for the "heals over time" healer. Damn it now I want to go play wow. :oops:

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30 Oct 2014, 4:42 am

Fnord wrote:
Rogue, for the stealth and the stealing.

Any "stealth" class for me.

I dislike in-game economies where you basically can make more gold finding loot to sell on auction than crafting stuff people would want to buy. Nobody wants to pay what it costs to get the materials plus something for your time and effort.

That just ruins the whole "crafting" thing...unless you use it to make a kick ass weapon or armor for yourself, but if you are role-playing the character, you might be screwed. Good thing the odds are the special weapon/armor you only can get by crafting isn't all that super-special that you MUST have it.


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30 Oct 2014, 11:17 pm

zer0netgain wrote:
Fnord wrote:
Rogue, for the stealth and the stealing.

Any "stealth" class for me.

I dislike in-game economies where you basically can make more gold finding loot to sell on auction than crafting stuff people would want to buy. Nobody wants to pay what it costs to get the materials plus something for your time and effort.

That just ruins the whole "crafting" thing...unless you use it to make a kick ass weapon or armor for yourself, but if you are role-playing the character, you might be screwed. Good thing the odds are the special weapon/armor you only can get by crafting isn't all that super-special that you MUST have it.

You might have liked Everquest. Rogues in that could steal parts of the money split on drops. People didn't like the fact that the rogue could do that in groups, but since they were so valuable in dungeons they had to suck it up. They could pickpocket NPCs. They were the only ones who could unlock doors without the key, so they could go places others couldn't.

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03 Nov 2014, 2:13 pm

Usually I go for the magic classes, a ranged DPS class, or a thief/rogue class depending on the game. I prefer soloing and any class that gives me a decent ability to do that makes it easier for me. The stealthy thief/rogue especially, since I can avoid fights that I'd rather not get into in the first place.


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09 Nov 2014, 5:37 am

Healer or tank, I don't do the whole new "we are killing the trinity" bull s**t mmos I want the tank, healer, and 3 dps team.