I don't understand Console Bias (Fanboys)

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30 Mar 2012, 4:55 pm

My NT boyfriend was an XBOX fanatic for years...he would sing its praises night and day, and talk trash about the other consoles, particularly the PS3. That is, until he became best friends with a PS3 fanatic, and wanting to be able to play online with him, my boyfriend bought a P3S, fell in love, and now can't remember why he ever liked the 360 in the first place.

I've never cared for the 360. There are ZERO exclusives to the console that interest me, so combine that with poorer graphics and a monthly fee...what's to like?!

PS3 has the best exclusives, best graphics, no monthly fee, and has a built in Blu-ray player. Unless you've got one on for the likes of Halo and Gears of War, then I see absolutely no reason to own an XBOX.

I find, for the most part, that people are fanboys for whichever console they played/owned first...and they really don't know anything about the other consoles. If you own all of the consoles and like things about each, I also don't see how you should receive criticism for that.

I'm a PS3 fangirl, but I still maintain that the SNES is the best console ever! :lol:

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30 Mar 2012, 6:31 pm

Well all game consoles have something for somebody. For me though, the PS3 is the best console. I can see why families would like the Wii but can we at least agree the hardware itself is lame compared to the other 2 consoles?

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30 Mar 2012, 10:12 pm

Well, yeah. That was an intentional design choice made by Nintendo, but it certainly didn't make the wii appeal much to the hardcore crowd. I do like its VC, and a small handful of its games(mostly first party), but I don't turn it on very often, given that I also own a ps3. I don't care for motion control, which doesn't help either. A good chunk of my wii collection has classic controller support, and I have one classic controller, and two classic controller pros(though one was free, because it came with Monster Hunter Tri). My VC collection rivals my disc based collection for the system. Come to think of it, maybe I should turn her on sometime, and chip away at one of the games in my wii backlog. Yeah, she doesn't get much action, which I guess isn't unusual.


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31 Mar 2012, 11:40 am

My sister has an xbox360 Although I would prefer PS3 or a Wii I like XBOX 360 though its alright I don't hate it video games are video games and the difference in graphics and such are minimal. I might have my moments of saying PS3 all the way I like Sony products anyway. I guess its like car fans Ford vs Chevy fans etc muscle vs import same analogy.

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31 Mar 2012, 6:21 pm

I think the Wii has more games then we give credit for.

I would say I have a mixture of all of the consoles but my Wii Collection is surprisingly bigger then my 360 or PS3 collection...I guess it's die to liking most of Nintendos output this generation but I liked Muramasa, Sonic Colours and the like as well.

A shame the Wii never realised it's full potential in terms of proper diversity.

The 360 doesn't really have much diversity either but it's got more then the Wii (Shooters vs PLatformers, lol) as the Wii does depend on the VC in terms of getting some of the so called Hardcore on board.

The PS3 is great at Japanese exclusives but it does suffer with a few multiplayer games and in some cases gets the worse multiplatform versions of games too.

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31 Mar 2012, 7:19 pm

I'd say a lot of the bias is based on team mentality. Just like red sox vs yankees, redskins vs cowboys, etc.

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11 Apr 2012, 6:15 am

i remember when it was Nintendo vs. Sega. most people can't afford 2 consoles (or more) + games, ect. So they pick one, and hate on whoever got the other one. Coke vs. Pepsi, Ford vs. Chevy. Great Taste or Less Filling. Mcdonalds vs Burger King. or neither.

it's been around forever. it should be a friendly game of who's better. unfortunatly, some people take it way to seriously.


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11 Apr 2012, 7:33 am

(Currently) I'm not a fanboy, I have 2 PS3s and an Xbox, but I find most of Sony's pre-PS3 release hyperbole laughable, in hindsight.

THE NEXT GEN STARTS WHEN WE SAY SO. Well no actually, you were beaten to market by almost two years.
CONTROLLER FEEDBACK IS A LAST GEN TECHNOLOGY. OK, so you lost a court case and lost your claim that you developed the tech and then you release a Sixaxis controller with the original configuration, then do a 180 and release a Dualshock 3 controller that your loyal early adopters then have to buy.
PLAYSTATION IS A FAMILY. Meaning that you should be able to play PS1/2 games on PS3, then why remove backwards compatibility?
And from my own observation - MGS4 aside (I bought my first PS3 to play MGS3 and 4), how long did it take before we saw any must have PS3 exclusive essentials? Mine remained pretty much dormant until LBP and Uncharted appeared.
Are you seriously going to tell me Resistance, Killzone or Socom can compete with the likes of Halo or Gears?

I can see the plus and minus of both, but to be perfectly honest, I don't understand how anyone could be a PS3 fanboy to the extent of some I've encountered. Yes OK, it's free to play online, but seriously, try and organise a game with friends. It's BS, the few times we've tried to get games going, we've had to set up a TEXT CHAT ROOM to get people into Killzone 2.
What is this 1998? Also, voice comms with anything other than the official bluetooth headset are diabolical and even with the official headset, with the advantage of the quality boost in the PS3's firmware, are still sub-standard.
Xbox Live costs £26 for a whole year in the UK and it's worth every penny, especially if you play online games regularly. The ease of organising games is superb and the quality of voice comms are perfect.
People can harp on about the 360 hardware failure rate, but how many people do you know with the OG 60GB PS3 and used it regularly still have one? Sony even set up and insurance scheme in the UK which became so overwhelmed with claims that it shut down. If Xbox had have supported game installs from day one, the issue may not have been so prevalent.
Most I know have experienced a yellow light hardware failure and mine which is now retired to the bedroom as a media player sounds like an industrial heater when playing disks.
Sony f****d up. They tried to emulate the original Xbox by throwing more power at everything, but the structure of their proprietary components were and still remain confusing to most developers and Sony refused to support non-Sony studios, so the 'Power of Playstation' has essentially gone to waste as third party developers code for the off the shelf Xbox and port to PS3. Just like the old days when Xbox owners got sh***y PS2 ports, while the Xbox was capable of producing games like Stranger's Wrath, Ninja Gaiden, Kung Fu Chaos and Halo.
I might also add that the speed with which the PS3 reads Blu Ray disks is much slower than DVD, it's actually too slow to stream game data from, so that larger disk capacity goes to waste as developers write multiple copies of the same game to different sectors of the disk in order to counter the difficulties with read speed.

It actually saddens me, because games like Uncharted and Little Big Planet support some beautiful texture work and I would rather see more of it. It seems to me like Sony have shot themselves in the foot this hardware cycle.
The next gen could be quite interesting and I'm in for another round to see how it pans out. Videogames haven't managed to bore me to death, yet.

The only piece of videogame hardware I have and will always remain a fanboy of was my MSX.

Last edited by ZX_SpectrumDisorder on 12 Apr 2012, 3:46 am, edited 6 times in total.


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11 Apr 2012, 7:42 am

CrazyStarlightRedux wrote:
I was on another forum discussing Rayman Origins, and someone asks what do I play it on (they assumed I played it on the PS3/Vita), but when I said the 360, the mod seemed disgusted by it as well as another member (initiating a smilie that is sick).

I honestly don't get this gesture....first of all I own all the current consoles and second what makes one console so special over the other one? It's pretty pathetic if you ask me to cast yourself to only one particular console. :roll:

Any thoughts on the matter? I do have some bias of preferring a certain gaming company BUT I do play other games in relation, as sticking to just one particular thing seems like you are limiting yourself.

Sounds light-hearted to me. I'm used to forums like that, at least in tone.

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13 Apr 2012, 5:51 pm

Bun wrote:
Sounds light-hearted to me. I'm used to forums like that, at least in tone.

I would have took it as a light tone...until they started mocking about how Microsoft have no games and they "buy out" developers to make games for them.

I encountered the same with some Sony fanboys as well...calling someone who hates Nintendo products "smart people", really?

To even your argument out ZX, Microsoft can't emulate original Xbox games properly, I bought a game which essentially is unplayable by the 3rd Stage.

Although Sony messed up on eliminating PS2 emulation, at least they have a functional PS1 BC code-line, unlike Microsoft who should have used the BC as an advantage to boost their catalogue as the games piled up.

I also find it sad how Microsoft didn't make an effort to entice niche Japanese games on their system whereas Sony have the best Japanese Developers (both mainstream and niche) working on their console despite the difficulties.

No offence to you ZX as your points are all very valid and I agree on organising game sessions online (I bought Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing on the 360 as it's the superior version, and it didn't disappoint).

Here is how I see the consoles:

360 has the best western games. (The exception have to be their XBLA line up, which has a notable amount of Japanese devs on them)
PS3 has the best Eastern games. (Uncharted and LBP being the exception)
Wii has the best B-Tier games (if we don't count Nintendo).

I see the same thing with the Mega Drive/SNES console war. They both offered something different.

The Mega Drive had the best sports titles and varied/unqiue platformers and possibly the best beat em up ever in Streets of Rage.
The SNES had the best RPGS, Metroid (which had no competitor at the time).
The Neo Geo had the best Fighters.
The Turbographx-16 has the best overall shmups.

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13 Apr 2012, 7:02 pm

I think all consoles aren't worth what you are paying for, but that is just me, and I have owned nearly every single console out there since the Atari, including not so popular consoles. As years go by I see PC gaming and how advanced it really is. So many online games to play, so many mods for single players and online too, better graphics if "you got it like that", better game mechanics, and often a more mature community especially with higher graphics games and pay to plays. The things a PC can do not only for gaming but everything else totally beats any consoles butt.

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14 Apr 2012, 4:00 am

My point about Sony's PS2 backwards compatibility is related to Sony's hyperbole where they made press statements about the Playstation being a brand, being a family and that PS1/2 games will run on PS3, and proceeded to remove the ability to run PS2 games. Personally, I don't really care about BC on either console, but my single experience of BC on both of them was positive.
I played MGS3 on PS3 and Jet Set Radio Future on 360 and both were glitch-free. I just have a problem with bullshitters and backtrackers, and if we're talking niche Japanese games, might I direct your attention to the fact that Xbox is the home of Japanese shmups, I don't think it gets more niche or Japanese than that, frankly.

Treasure - Ikauruga HD, Bangai-O HD and Radiant Silvergun HD
G-Rev - Mamouru Kun, Under Defeat HD, Senko No Ronde/2
Cave - DoDonPachi Dai Ou Jou Extra Black Label, DoDonPachi Resurrection, Ketsui, Deathsmiles/2, Muchi Muchi Pork, Pink Sweets, Espgaluda 2 Black Label, Mushimesama Futari Black Label, Akai Katana and Guwange.
Qute - Escatos
Natsume - Omega 5
Grasshopper Manufacture - Sine Mora
SNK - Trouble Witches Neo, KoF Sky Stage.

CrazyStarlightRedux wrote:
The Turbographx-16 has the best overall shmups

Before the Xbox 360, surely the Sega Saturn was the Shmup console?

From recent experience, I find the Japanese developers can't cut it anymore. Western developers have taken everything they've learned from Western and Eastern games development, refined both and defined this generation, leaving the majority of Japan's developers lost. Even Keiji Inafune would and has agreed and even published an open letter to the Japanese games industry. A big thing from the sole remaining Capcom lynchpin at the time
Since Capcom foolishly fired Clover Team and Mikami, they lost what made them special. I'm not sure, but I think they've recently fired Inafune too.
Streetfighter 4 is developed in America, Dead Rising 2 was developed in Canada and Devil May Cry 5 is being deveoped by a UK team. I've been looking at the RE6 promos and I am actually looking forward to that coming out, it looks like Capcom may just turn things around, they seem to have promoted a lot of their younger staff and moved the guy they had given the reins to, sideways. Under him we had such 'exciting' titles as DMC4, Lost Planet/2 and RE5. Not all is lost, of course, I still have time for the Platinum Games people, Mikami, Kojima and Suda51, although I was disappointed by Shadows of The Damned (Suda51 and Mikami) and No More Heroes. I enjoyed NMH a lot, but it's no Killer 7. Suda51 seems to have peaked, already.
Konami seem lost, all they have is MGS and Pro Evo. They tried to resuscitate Castlevania by giving it to a Spanish developer and they continue to flog a dead horse by farming out Silent Hill to various B division Western teams.
As for Sega, I gave Yakuza 3, 4, Dead Souls and Binary Domain a fair go. In fact I played Y3 for 75 hours, but come on, these games aren't up to the current standard. I'd have given any first party Sega game an fair go, but these are just higher res PS2 games. I think I could have lived happily having never played any of them.


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14 Apr 2012, 5:51 am

I hope you guys aren't reading that as being hostile or anything.


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14 Apr 2012, 4:14 pm

ZX_SpectrumDisorder wrote:
My point about Sony's PS2 backwards compatibility is related to Sony's hyperbole where they made press statements about the Playstation being a brand, being a family and that PS1/2 games will run on PS3, and proceeded to remove the ability to run PS2 games. Personally, I don't really care about BC on either console, but my single experience of BC on both of them was positive.

Yeah, I know what you mean, but assuming most gamers own a PS2 without selling it before the PS3 came out, the problem may not be that bad depending on how many fans actually sold their PS2 for a PS3.

ZX_SpectrumDisorder wrote:
I played MGS3 on PS3 and Jet Set Radio Future on 360 and both were glitch-free. I just have a problem with bullshitters and backtrackers, and if we're talking niche Japanese games, might I direct your attention to the fact that Xbox is the home of Japanese shmups, I don't think it gets more niche or Japanese than that, frankly.

Treasure - Ikauruga HD, Bangai-O HD and Radiant Silvergun HD
G-Rev - Mamouru Kun, Under Defeat HD, Senko No Ronde/2
Cave - DoDonPachi Dai Ou Jou Extra Black Label, DoDonPachi Resurrection, Ketsui, Deathsmiles/2, Muchi Muchi Pork, Pink Sweets, Espgaluda 2 Black Label, Mushimesama Futari Black Label, Akai Katana and Guwange.
Qute - Escatos
Natsume - Omega 5
Grasshopper Manufacture - Sine Mora
SNK - Trouble Witches Neo, KoF Sky Stage.

Although I do agree that the 360 does have a niche of Japanese games, I mean the overall scope of the niches Japan brings, not just Shmups.

ZX_SpectrumDisorder wrote:
Before the Xbox 360, surely the Sega Saturn was the Shmup console?

It depends if you class imports though, since most Saturn games are Japanese exclusives which sucks for shmup fans if they missed out on other shmups other then Radient Silvergun.

Despite the TG16 being an import for Europe, the NA catalogue obtained most shmups in their library.

ZX_SpectrumDisorder wrote:
From recent experience, I find the Japanese developers can't cut it anymore. Western developers have taken everything they've learned from Western and Eastern games development, refined both and defined this generation, leaving the majority of Japan's developers lost.

I wouldn't say that exactly. The Western world is getting better at MMOs and PC RPGs that are being transitioned on the console, we still cannot produce creative shmups, platformers what have you which can match Japans just yet.

I do agree that the Japanese have lost a little something this gen, but I think a happy medium has arrived where we are now experiencing both creative talents from around the world. I am sure the Japanese will recover, but hopefully they won't think that everyone will buy their games if they are not up to scratch (not about graphics by the way, I mean game design)

ZX_SpectrumDisorder wrote:
Even Keiji Inafune would and has agreed and even published an open letter to the Japanese games industry. A big thing from the sole remaining Capcom lynchpin at the time
Since Capcom foolishly fired Clover Team and Mikami, they lost what made them special. I'm not sure, but I think they've recently fired Inafune too.
Streetfighter 4 is developed in America, Dead Rising 2 was developed in Canada and Devil May Cry 5 is being deveoped by a UK team. I've been looking at the RE6 promos and I am actually looking forward to that coming out, it looks like Capcom may just turn things around, they seem to have promoted a lot of their younger staff and moved the guy they had given the reins to, sideways. Under him we had such 'exciting' titles as DMC4, Lost Planet/2 and RE5. Not all is lost, of course, I still have time for the Platinum Games people, Mikami, Kojima and Suda51, although I was disappointed by Shadows of The Damned (Suda51 and Mikami) and No More Heroes. I enjoyed NMH a lot, but it's no Killer 7. Suda51 seems to have peaked, already.

Is he the guy who hasn't made a game to prove his point yet?

The move is a mixed bag...can't Capcom produce anymore?

No More Heroes is good fun I hear...I still need to get the PS3 version though.

ZX_SpectrumDisorder wrote:
Konami seem lost, all they have is MGS and Pro Evo. They tried to resuscitate Castlevania by giving it to a Spanish developer and they continue to flog a dead horse by farming out Silent Hill to various B division Western teams.

They should go back to their Rocket Knight series as the XBLA/PSN version did well. Other then that, they lost a lot of talent from their RPG studios.

ZX_SpectrumDisorder wrote:
As for Sega, I gave Yakuza 3, 4, Dead Souls and Binary Domain a fair go. In fact I played Y3 for 75 hours, but come on, these games aren't up to the current standard. I'd have given any first party Sega game an fair go, but these are just higher res PS2 games. I think I could have lived happily having never played any of them.

SEGA have actually been brilliant this gen. Sonic is hopefully getting back to better quality games. We had Valkyria Chronicles on the PS3 and PSP, Resonance of Fate...a game they outsourced is a great RPG in itself, their Platinum Games project has been brilliant, and I think their digital content is improving in emulation as well thanks to M2.

I can actually say that SEGA have done most of the things right this generation. They haven't abused DLC like Capcom, you are guaranteed that their games will be budget price and I am sure that they are gaining the respect of gamers at long last.

Other then that Nintendo have been pretty good this gen too...so all hope is not lost.

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15 Apr 2012, 5:27 am

CrazyStarlightRedux wrote:

Although I do agree that the 360 does have a niche of Japanese games, I mean the overall scope of the niches Japan brings, not just Shmups.

Nintendo games, Demon's Souls, MGS4, Yakuza and Valkyria Chronicles aside, I can't think of any Japanese games that haven't been available on Xbox.

CrazyStarlightRedux wrote:
It depends if you class imports though, since most Saturn games are Japanese exclusives which sucks for shmup fans if they missed out on other shmups other then Radient Silvergun.

I just assumed anyone serious about Shmups had an import Saturn.

CrazyStarlightRedux wrote:
Is he the guy who hasn't made a game to prove his point yet?

Inafune? I think he's left the industry. Inafune complains that the large Japanese publishers stifle creativity. The last game he produced directly was Dead Rising and he superivsed a Canadian studio to make its sequel and DLC.
For me the original Dead Rising is one of the games that defines this hardware cycle. It's incredibly unique and has some interesting mechanics. It was the first 'next gen' experience I had.

CrazyStarlightRedux wrote:
Their Platinum Games project has been brilliant.

Platinum are an indie studio and publishing their games is probably the first good move Sega have made in years.
They're lucky to have them, frankly. I think their next move should be to snap up Sumo studios, make them an internal rather than farming work out to them, and put them to work on new but typically Sega franchises with their existing team and integrate Sega's teams with them.
I think their existing internal studios need a serious rethink, but Yakuza sells in volume in Japan, so I doubt we'll see anything earth shattering soon. I can't see a Binary Domain sequel anytime soon. A good thing, I think. I don't know how some of that got through testing. Did they even play other similar games? Personally I think it's stupid to release a game that isn't at least equal to what is already available.