ZakFiend wrote:
hahah bioware isn't smart enough for indoctrination theory. Anyone who isn't braindead knows how much retconning they did in Mass effect 2's plot. If you believe mass effect had a good story you obviously weren't paying attention to it. ME1 had a decent story, ME2 ruined everything established by ME1 by retconning huge sections of ME1, and ME3 just meanders around with the lameness created by ME2's horrible plot. you still think bioware are great writers after watching the above plot analysis I got a bridge I want to sell you.
I've seen all six of those videos the last time they were linked in this thread. I do think that many writers at Bioware are good. I also think many make mistakes, and I don't believe simple incompetence defines the problems with ME2's and ME3's plot.
This is the kind of thing that really shouldn't be dictated to anyone. Let people come to their own conclusions, don't come charging in with an overbearing declaration about how anyone who disagrees with your
opinion must be stupid and/or gullible.