Don't ask what possessed me at the time, I had it in draft form for a long time. I sent an honest, non-anger filled e-mail to him. Here is my e-mail in text form:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Isaac Britton" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2007 9:34 AM
Subject: Honest email to Jack Thompson; no anger behind it
> Dear Jack,
> I appreciate that you are trying to defend your point
> of view, but it really is a factor of many things.
> Video games are not all bad. I understand the point
> you are trying to make, I believe I see the logic
> behind it, and I understand how angry violent video
> games make you, but Jesus did not teach hatred for a
> certain group. He taught that you should love everyone
> around you.
> I think I remember reading that you have a kid. His
> friends might get him to play video games, and there's
> not much that parents can do to stop it. Try buying
> him an old NES, and give him a copy of Super Mario
> Brothers 3. There is no material that is
> objectionable. I loved that game as a kid, and I
> didn't know what the word "crap" meant.
> I am a Christian. Jesus was the son of god, who taught
> many things, namely these: "Love thy enemy. Do good to
> those who hate you. Pray for those who despitefully
> use you. Do unto others as you would have done unto
> you." As he was being paraded through the streets,
> holding the cross, he said to God the Father "Forgive
> them, Father. They know not what they do. " When he
> was lying on the cross, a thief asked him if he could
> have his sins forgiven. And I think he said something
> like "Tonight you shall be with me." If you respond,
> could you tell me the exact quotation? That seems to
> escape me at the moment.
> Those video gamers who speak evil from
> their mouths do not like you for how you depict them,
> yet some of them don't have enough self-control to
> send an email that isn't full of hate. I am a video
> gamer. I've played violent video games, yet I love my
> mother and my sisters very much, and I was devastated
> by the loss of our only cat, Beatle. I believe when
> you are referring to gamers, you are referring to
> every person who has ever played a video game.
> I first played a game called Sonic 3, where you
> played as a character named Sonic the hedgehog, who
> was trying to save an entire world's animals from an
> evil scientist. I played the N64 next, and I loved a
> game where you would play football teams against each
> other.
> I saw many games for the N64 for rental at
> the supermarket, such as Perfect Dark, and Goldeneye
> 007. My mother had a watchful eye, and didn't let me
> rent them. She let me get a game called "Kirby: The
> Crystal Shards."
> Overgeneralizing in any event will get those who are
> not guilty up in arms. Your fixation on banning
> violent video games is unsettling. If we banned Rock
> 'N Roll, Harry Potter books, or Comic books, we'd be
> in a slippery slope of banning. Anyone who didn't like
> something could have it banned.
> My father is a fundamentalist christian, and has
> forged a path for himself. He abandoned his biological
> kids, stopped contact with them, married a new woman
> with 3 kids, and had another child with her. Why?
> Because we wouldn't live with him after abandoning us.
> Please, attempt to put yourself in a video gamer's
> shoes.
> We play games as a hobby, because we enjoy them, then
> suddenly comes a man whose moral high horse undoes the
> very principals he stands for.
> Also, the first amendment applies to anyone, as long
> as they're not infringing on other's rights to free
> speech.
> Please consider,
> Soniczip
> P.S. I don't use my real name because on the internet,
> it is a very bad idea. I'm not as secure in the
> workings as you. What I will tell you, though, is that
> my first name is Isaac.
> P.P.S. The reason a lot of people send death threats
> is you send out your e-mail address freely. Try having
> an alternate account for press releases. It works
> better, and you can do that with Yahoo!
> P.P.P.S. If gamers hate you so very much, why haven't
> they banned you from kotaku? You were banned from
> posting on Gamepolitics with an IP ban because you
> were what is known as an "Internet Troll."
> Cheers!
As you can see, I wasn't mean, or hate-filled in any way whatsoever.
But did he respond in kind?
Judge for yourself:
"i'm(sic) not interested in your mere(sic) biased opinions, with no facts. stop(sic)
bothering me(sic)"
Now, I'm frothing at the mouth over this. I originally didn't hate him, because I believed he was merely misinformed. Now I know he's a hateful man. NOW I hate him.
We port Kid Cuisine to the Playstation 2.
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