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12 Apr 2013, 6:12 pm

FOR THE HORDE!! !! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I'm considering a bit of a break, as I've been playing far too much lately. My main toon at the moment is a level 82 troll Boomkin (balance druid), with a level 60 pandaren monk as an alt. The boomkin is awesome - most stuff is soloable, though a few 5 man quests have been tricky and have had to wait a few levels before tackling. I have done a few dungeons on my own (Dire Maul was fun - managed to aggro pretty much everything in the east wing before realising that mobs *never* stop chasing you in an instance, and having to spend 20 minutes killing stuff before I could continue) but haven't yet joined a guild or even a group for dungeons.

I need to get back some WoW/life balance though, so I may be sacking my subscription for a few months. :(

I'm usually smarter than this. <<my thingy


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12 Apr 2013, 6:52 pm

A few of my friends played WoW at one point and were hooked but this was about 4-5 years ago when you could only get to level 60 or 70 or something. I tried to play it once and just got bored, didn't see why it was so good! I was an odd one though, I preferred Runescape to WoW.

One of my friends used to play WoW with his girlfriend in the same room for hours on end when they had "nothing better to do" :lol:


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12 Apr 2013, 8:00 pm

Meh, I dislike grouping with people, so I'm just kinda making gold. :P

:bigsmurf: :bigsmurf:


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13 Apr 2013, 7:30 am

Chrisicus wrote:
A few of my friends played WoW at one point and were hooked but this was about 4-5 years ago when you could only get to level 60 or 70 or something. I tried to play it once and just got bored, didn't see why it was so good! I was an odd one though, I preferred Runescape to WoW.

One of my friends used to play WoW with his girlfriend in the same room for hours on end when they had "nothing better to do" :lol:

Good old runescape!! :D

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13 Apr 2013, 9:55 pm

I've been thinking about playing World of Warcraft, I have the game on my computer, but it's not fully installed... I only have the starter edtion.


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14 Apr 2013, 9:25 pm

I've been playing it for maybe three years. I don't play it too often. I play in bursts. It was the first MMO game I bought for my self. Previously my son's and I played Star Wars Galaxy Online (SWG) together. They are the only people I ever group with. They don't play WoW though. Too bad because I cannot seem to bring myself to group with people, even when I know them. I'm one of those people the play MMO games as if they were solo.

Any way I have six characters on Kul Tiras.
Catah - 21 - Druid - Tauren
Julisong - 8 - Mage - Blood Elf
Oldbart - 24 - Warrior - Troll
OldJowjo - 48 - Rogue - Undead
Oldpc - 26 - Hunter - Goblin
Wonderlost - 29 - Warlock - Undead

I have two characters on Hydraxis.
Theatt - 17 - Warlock - Gnome
Mhintook - 9 - Monk - Pandaren

OldJowjo was my first character. He actually belongs to a guild. I found out that some guys at work played WoW and they invited me. I participated on two dungeon quests, and although the first one was rough because I had never grouped with people other than my son, and I made lots of mistakes, it was fun. Then they all quit the game. Yes, I took it personal for a bit of time. On the plus side, I'm now the sole active member of the guild and there is a LOT money in the guild bank. :D

Wonderlost is one of my favorite characters. In SWG, I had a /bubbly Mon Calamarian named Wonderfalls, after the television show. I was going to name the character in WoW Wonderfalls, but since she was undead, I figured Wonderlost was more fitting. I also enjoy playing the small characters like Theatt and Oldpc. I like it when they jump. :)

Thanks for asking the question AnniPierrot! It is one of the first things I ask my relatives or people I meet. I don't know why though, because I cannot bring myself to chat or join groups online. I sort of wish it was different, but it's just one of those things.

I also play Star Wars: The Old Republic, but that's for another forum post, and another time.

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19 Apr 2013, 10:22 am

Lvl 80 Worgen druid here


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21 Apr 2013, 2:17 pm

90 combat rouge and a 90 holy priest. Used to love playing shadow priest but imo the last patch scewed it up. Used to love flaying for orbs :(, get three orbs, pop wings and blast haha. Im only pvping now, i used to like healing dungeons/raids but got sick of the idiots you find in some groups, its always the healer thats the first to get flamed.

Ive also got a 85 hunter but got bored and a level 24 warrior twink that i will level up one day.


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22 Apr 2013, 10:37 pm

level 90 human shadow priest here. I've been playing on and off since beta. I also prefer tooling around and making gold and farming for pets and mounts. Interacting with people stresses me out majorly.


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23 Apr 2013, 11:39 am

I'm making a comeback, want to try a panderan monk. Any Aspie guilds on EU?

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23 Apr 2013, 11:09 pm

I'm approaching being a 4-year veteran of WoW.

I've almost always played Night Elf females, and almost always the Priest class.

Tufted Titmouse
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24 Apr 2013, 7:43 pm

Level 90 Night Elf Hunter, Beast Master, used mainly to provide goods and gold for alts now
also leveling a troll hunter, a dwarf hunter, a goblin hunter, a tauren druid, a human death knight, and a gnome mage
The gnome is my current favorite. Deleted orc hunter, human paladin, blood elf hunter, undead rogue, draeni shaman
Started playing 2 weeks after BC was added.


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24 Apr 2013, 9:52 pm

Nobledeed, Night Elf Rogue LVL 90 (Alleria)
Verrhon, Draenei Mage LVL 27 (Alleria)
GangGuo, Pandaren Hunter Lvl 25 (Wyrmrest Accord) (I use him for RPing)
Gunghar, Orc Warrior LVl 90 (Wyrmrest Accord) (Will do like GangGuo as i need to create an background)

Play since BC so i'm an veteran

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04 May 2013, 12:57 pm

Not presently, even though I did in the past and have been seriously thinking about returning to WoW. However, in order for the game to run optimally, I believe that I need to purchase a new notebook computer first.


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06 May 2013, 11:48 am

Anybody else have trouble sticking to one character. I'm an altoholic but I'm trying hard to stick to about 4 characters :(

"Live and learn" -- "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"

Tufted Titmouse
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06 May 2013, 12:32 pm

Jerricko wrote:
Anybody else have trouble sticking to one character. I'm an altoholic but I'm trying hard to stick to about 4 characters :(

I have that problem... it started when I was a mage and saw how awesome druids were, so I made a druid. Then I saw a warlock...