I've been playing it for maybe three years. I don't play it too often. I play in bursts. It was the first MMO game I bought for my self. Previously my son's and I played Star Wars Galaxy Online (SWG) together. They are the only people I ever group with. They don't play WoW though. Too bad because I cannot seem to bring myself to group with people, even when I know them. I'm one of those people the play MMO games as if they were solo.
Any way I have six characters on Kul Tiras.
Catah - 21 - Druid - Tauren
Julisong - 8 - Mage - Blood Elf
Oldbart - 24 - Warrior - Troll
OldJowjo - 48 - Rogue - Undead
Oldpc - 26 - Hunter - Goblin
Wonderlost - 29 - Warlock - Undead
I have two characters on Hydraxis.
Theatt - 17 - Warlock - Gnome
Mhintook - 9 - Monk - Pandaren
OldJowjo was my first character. He actually belongs to a guild. I found out that some guys at work played WoW and they invited me. I participated on two dungeon quests, and although the first one was rough because I had never grouped with people other than my son, and I made lots of mistakes, it was fun. Then they all quit the game. Yes, I took it personal for a bit of time. On the plus side, I'm now the sole active member of the guild and there is a LOT money in the guild bank.
Wonderlost is one of my favorite characters. In SWG, I had a /bubbly Mon Calamarian named Wonderfalls, after the television show. I was going to name the character in WoW Wonderfalls, but since she was undead, I figured Wonderlost was more fitting. I also enjoy playing the small characters like Theatt and Oldpc. I like it when they jump.
Thanks for asking the question AnniPierrot! It is one of the first things I ask my relatives or people I meet. I don't know why though, because I cannot bring myself to chat or join groups online. I sort of wish it was different, but it's just one of those things.
I also play Star Wars: The Old Republic, but that's for another forum post, and another time.