Adamantium wrote:
WorldsEdge wrote:
My latest "thing" is starting a world on the XBox in "Survival-Hard" and seeing how long I last until I die once. Then I delete the save and start another one. I suppose if I could figure out why I seem to get a "rush" from doing this sort of thing I'd uncover something rather interesting about myself. Or perhaps not.
I do this too--play on hardcore and build elaborate structures. I had one such world that went on for weeks and then I fell through the top of a desert temple and detonated the booby trap--many hours, gone in seconds! I think of it as being like Tibetan sand paintings. Permanence is not the goal. There is no completion. The only point is the focus on the journey.
Actually, XBox doesn't have hardcore. I can respwan, but choose not to. That's one feature I do wish they had, but I can't see it ever getting ported from the PC, somehow. Different audience on the XBox, one that I suspect would be less than happy about having games automatically deleted. Even if warned when creating a world. (At least I think that's what hardcore means? I've never actually played on the PC.)
I do like the Tibetan sand painting analogy, though. I'll have to remember that one next time I'm screaming like a little girl as a creeper closes in on me.
Edit: Oh, one thing I don't "get" at all...I've seen a few disparaging remarks in YouTube comments where people actually refer to MineCraft as "autismcraft." Not sure I understand that at all, since the social aspect seems to be as important to a lot of people as anything going on in the game itself. Eh, something else to confuse me, I suppose.
What is there to get? Some people are jerks.
Sigh. *Facepalm.* And thanks. Why didn't I think of that? Ockham's Razor, ftw. Sometimes I'm agog at the truly obvious things that get past me.
"The man who has fed the chicken every day throughout its life at last wrings its neck instead, showing that more refined views as to the uniformity of nature would have been useful to the chicken." ? Bertrand Russell