Misery wrote:
Though the really nasty parts dont hit until right near the very end.
Yeah, I usually get killed by the Thunderbird...I think I only made it to Shadow Link one time.
...and then after you die, you have to go back through that stupid swamp, and that stupid cave, and back through that terrible palace again...
Technically, even if I did beat it, it would still count as cheating, since I have a lot of stuff from the strategy guide memorized.
Kiprobalhato wrote:
good god i've heard lots of nasty stuff about that game. a black sheep it is.
Don't get me wrong, I love the game, I always have...I just really hate that final palace.
mr_bigmouth_502 wrote:
Zelda II isn't THAT hard, you just have to be able to endure a bit of grinding.
I maxed out every single level in the game and still struggle with the very end =)
I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...