Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and this is my first topic
I recently got addicted to JRPGs after playing some of the greatest games of the genre (Like Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 5, Devil Survivor Overclocked, Tales of Symphonia, Persona 4 Golden, and a ton more). This niche' quickly became one of my favorites.
I think my favorite is Chrono Trigger tied with Persona 3 Portable. CT was my first JRPG (besides pokemon and final fantasy) and it hooked me, with all the endings and stuff. Persona 3 on the other hand had addicting collectible elements, the best story I've ever experienced in a video-game game and some of the most likable characters as well (Shinjiro FTW).
So. I just wondered out of curiosity, to the JRPG players among you, what game in the genre was your favorite and why? Feel free to share.