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18 Sep 2015, 9:25 pm

So I'm playing Shon Megami Tensei IV and have already beaten the neutral route and am currently doing a chaotic play through. I wonder if anyone else here is into the Megami Tensei series?


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02 Oct 2015, 4:59 pm

I just started playing Digital Devil Saga, and I am finding it to be quite brilliant.

I completed Nocturne a few months ago, and had a blast while I was at it.


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02 Oct 2015, 5:40 pm

I haven't played 4, but 3 (aka Nocturne or Lucifer's Call) is my favourite Japanese RPG. Persona 4 is great too, and I like Digital Devil Saga; the battle system is better than Nocturne but everything else is less enjoyable. You can't really go wrong with PS2 SMT games.

I'm due a replay of SMT 3 some time. Last time I tried on hard and gave up pretty early. It's a shame the difficulty curve is so whacked, it starts off really difficult and becomes easier as the game progresses. The stuff added to the international release is great though in terms of difficulty. Plus you get Dante from DMC as a party member.


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02 Oct 2015, 8:05 pm

I've only beaten Devil Survivor on the DS but I played a lot of SMTIV. The DLC kinda broke the game for me but it was fun grinding a team of overpowered demons for awhile.

SMT1 and 2 are antiquated as hell and hard to get into. To a lesser extent Soul Hackers is as well..but I like that game, Spooky leader is a cool guy.


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03 Oct 2015, 8:39 am

I played SMT 2 and 3 and found them engaging, but I found Persona 3 and 4 to be the best of the bunch. They're technically spinoffs but they mostly have similar gameplay systems, with the main differences being how you recruit monsters and the setting. I'm eagerly anticipating Persona 5.


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05 Oct 2015, 12:57 am

Hell yeah!
The first SMT game I played was Lucifer's Call (aka Nocturne) and it was brilliant! It's definitely my favourite RPG and great if you're looking for a tough but fair challenge. It's like the Dark Souls of turn-based RPG's.
I'm really looking forward to Persona 5, although I'm a bigger fan of the main series. I've played some spin-offs other than Persona, I have the 2 Digital Devil Saga games, Persona 4, SMT IV, I used to have Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army and I plan to buy Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers on 3DS soon. And I'll get all the other games in the series eventually.
I was extremely excited when Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem was announced, especially with SMT being the first one in the title, I thought it could be amazing and would probably focus more on the SMT side. But it seems the exact opposite is true. And even though SMT characters were announced along with FE characters, only the latter have been shown since then :(