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In a video game, when given choice over your actions, are you a good, bad, or neutral character?
Good 54%  54%  [ 22 ]
Bad 12%  12%  [ 5 ]
Neutral 34%  34%  [ 14 ]
Total votes : 41


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21 Nov 2010, 4:52 am

When you have the option in a video game, are you good, bad, or neutral in alignment?

I used to have this thing where I felt I had to be the good guy in a game and tried to do every thing possible that was good and avoided doing anything bad... but later on I realized it's pretty boring and the people in the game world aren't ehem... real. So now I find myself being neutral most of the time. I don't really do evil actions like murdering innocents (At least on purpose I don't), but I do steal and be mischievous and whatnot while also doing good deeds or good quests. I still have a hard time doing evil quests or taking evil options in games that would actually make me feel bad... like executing a rival character or other stuff that is just fairly distasteful.

Just call yourself however you see yourself in a game when given the option to pick your alignment. For example I'm playing Fallout New Vegas and it says I'm "Very Good" with an icon of a vault boy Jesus next to the status :? ... while I still do mischievous things that aren't what a very good person would do... more so I do as a neutral person would.

Also I'm just posting this out of curiosity. I'm not judging. If you like sacrificing fuzzy bunnies to some demon lord when you play video games... that's fine 8)


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21 Nov 2010, 5:54 am

I like to be good, guess I don't like my actions worsening the land so I do things that I guess are best. Not that I will always be a little saint, one of my favourite games for example is Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2, and I guess take a note from the Jedi Kreia I will often make things better by trying to manipulate people, usually bad people which might get me a bad alignment. Over the two KOTOR games I would persuade my way through with getting out of landing fees, discounts, resolving conflict, and causeing enemies to getting themselves killed (including two thugs I convinced to give me their money jump to their deaths).

I usually put points first into an ability that alows me to manipulate people very early on in games, say in Oblivion or Fallout 3 I will try to get high charisma or illusion spells, I might be good but along the way I trick people to turn on their allies, give me free stuff (I am a bit of a horder) and dirty tricks like turning invisible or hacking into things. I do what I think will be the better choice but get very frustrated if it might hurt an innocent. Well I did enjoy the Dark Brotherhood (assasin) missions if I was killing someone who deserved it, one of my favourite methods was to even make a guared attack them via illusion and claim the reward.

I have got a bit frustrated with some recent games where to the "good path" I might have to do something that I think has negative effects, I though for a long time and I still regret lowering the tax for alcohol in Fable 3 because it was suposedly the right path when it actually ends up makeing a lot of the citisens drink to excess and put themselves in a stupor. Or lately giving in the game's of idea good for achievments, I much rathered not having to take the saint path for the sake of being the saint when I thought such actions could have bad consequences, I think I will return to how it was before.

I guess I could be more neutral but I prefered to help the needy rather then take advantage of them to extent I would donate to them, maybe take resources from those who don't need it, whilst screw with the bad, at least in evil playthroughs I enjoy that part. I guess I have also always liked the idea of being a good guy with dark powers, unfortuantly not many games alow me to be that.

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21 Nov 2010, 5:55 am

Good. I find it slightly painful to act badly in video games, which is annoying because it conflicts with my desire to explore everything about them.

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21 Nov 2010, 6:26 am

Bradleigh wrote:
I have got a bit frustrated with some recent games where to the "good path" I might have to do something that I think has negative effects, I though for a long time and I still regret lowering the tax for alcohol in Fable 3 because it was suposedly the right path when it actually ends up makeing a lot of the citisens drink to excess and put themselves in a stupor. Or lately giving in the game's of idea good for achievments, I much rathered not having to take the saint path for the sake of being the saint when I thought such actions could have bad consequences, I think I will return to how it was before.

Yes, achievements and trophies really bug my playing preference. For me it's not as much that they decide what is good or bad, but that if you want to complete a game you have to follow every path for completion. It's like for every "Let _____ live" award there is one for "Blow _____'s head off". I really don't believe it is the place for awards to be to award you for an alignment choice... there is no real pain in picking an option to do good or evil. Realistically even if the choice has repercussions that cause conflict... so does the other choice so why award a choice with an equal consequence?

I've personally started blowing off completing games which label each and every individual decision since I played Alpha Protocol. I really liked the game, but I really couldn't bring myself to execute a teenage mute girl... I don't care if she tried to kill me first because after you let her live you find out it was a misunderstanding. I felt that them making an award for executing her was fairly crude (Seriously there's a young girl on the floor who can't plead for her life who attacked me by mistake and I'm supposed to blow her head off for 20 score or something... yeah okay :roll:) ... so I decided not to complete that one and just do the hardest things in the game instead and I felt fine about that. Although it is the developers fault I did not spend more time playing the game to complete it since had that not been an award I would have gladly taken the time to finish all 1000 points of the game... I thought it was good.


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21 Nov 2010, 6:50 am

I clicked bad, but I meant to click neutral.

I usually play good first, and then neutral-bad the second time through. I'm not able to play bad properly because there are actions I struggle to take.


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21 Nov 2010, 7:40 am

That really depends on the game. On the first Fable game, I loved it so much that I completed it 3 times! With 1 save file as good, 1 as bad, and 1 as neutral

On the good save I did absolutely everything good and I got a halo and butterflies flying around me.
On the bad save I was incredibly evil and killed everyone in Oakvale village with my overpowered Sword of Aeons! Muhahaha!! I had full devil horns, red eyes and flies around me.
On the neutral save I just did a mix of being really good and then really evil, basically.


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21 Nov 2010, 8:47 am

Also thought that I might chime in that when I got my special edition of Fable 3 it came with a coin that on one side has good, and on the other evil, I thought that it might be fun one time to play a game where all of my choices would be made based on flipping the coin so not even I would know what my character would do. Might be a bit fun for a storyline that is not for the point of either good, bad or trying to stay neutral. That or it could make my character look like a schizopheniac "Two-face" nutjob.

I came up with an interesting idea recently where games in the future might take personality tests and stuff that effect your character or game, I belive something simular was tried in Silent Hill: shatered memories. I know with a quite a few RPGs now we start of with what can be a lengthy customisation of character, but the personality of your character mostly made with what decisions you make.

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21 Nov 2010, 10:04 am

neutral happens to be the most natural path for me to pick.

On actual "alignment tests" I consistently get chaotic evil though. Whatever.

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21 Nov 2010, 10:11 am

Good, no doubt about it. Although, sometimes being bad can feel very good. Such as in, say, DA:O. By the Maker, making evil decisions there was fun.

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21 Nov 2010, 1:03 pm

My alignment springs mostly towards Neutral Good. I have always opposed suppression and have tried to find answers for the better of myself and others. The journey I embark on is extremely complex. Whether or not I succeed doesn't matter, living to the fullest potential does.


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21 Nov 2010, 2:36 pm

Good on most games. When my friends are present, I go for the ultra evil path and they start wondering if I'm psychotic. =P

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21 Nov 2010, 3:42 pm

TechnicalPacifist wrote:
Good, no doubt about it. Although, sometimes being bad can feel very good. Such as in, say, DA:O. By the Maker, making evil decisions there was fun.

Just bought DA:O last month and just a minute ago threatened to cut someones throat....good times.

As to the question, I usually end up "Neutral" as I can't quite be good enough to be Good (I find it boring and very tempted to do bad things) but can't quite be evil enough to be bad (sacrificing the fuzzy bunnies was a step too far so the demon lord died :lol: )


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21 Nov 2010, 4:43 pm

I aim to be neutral, in practice it turns out I am mostly Neutral Good in games.

For those of you wondering which alignment you are, based upon D&D:

I am Lawful Neutral according to the test

A lawful neutral character acts as law, tradition, or a personal code directs her. Order and organization are paramount to her. She may believe in personal order and live by a code or standard, or she may believe in order for all and favor a strong, organized government. The common phrase for lawful neutral is "true lawful." Lawful neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you are reliable and honorable without being a zealot.

A little something for those on the evil spectrum :wink::


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21 Nov 2010, 4:52 pm

Wallourdes wrote:
For those of you wondering which alignment you are, based upon D&D:

Funnilly enough I took that test just yesterday after going in this thread, I came up as neutral good.
A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them. The common phrase for neutral good is "true good." Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias toward or against order.

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21 Nov 2010, 6:48 pm

I picked neutral, but I tend to play good as well.

Depends on how the game is designed. Some of the "good" options are just stupid and the "evil" options are the more realistic choices.


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21 Nov 2010, 7:25 pm

I toe the line between Good and Neutral. I try to be Chaotic Good (but ruthless against my enemies as well). Whenever I am in the position to help out someone without causing myself undue hassle, I will. If it requires a sacrifice on my part, and I don't think that pragmatically it warrants the effort, then I won't.

I would give away money to beggars if I have a massive surplus (no significant loss), and I'll kill the demons in an attractive lady's bedroom (for exp and her gratitude), but I won't sacrifice my own equipment to keep a boorish kamikaze knight NPC alive or something.

If songs were lines in a conversation, the situation would be fine.