i've only really played fallout 3 and i'm an addict already, honestly first game in nearly ten years that i got and couldn't stop playing it.
i hate new vegas with a passion they degraded my desert home serverly, the desert does not look like that, where are the rock formations, where are the cactus? i bought this game because i was homesick terribly and got served, that is not my desert. i lived in arizona for 10 years, it was a beautiful place, none of this ugly green and brown from the forest areas. never humid and the bugs didn't eat you alive. i got the game if only because it was placed on the border of nevada and az.
not only that the characters talk monotone, none of them are fun or interesting in the slightest, and that makes the whole atmosphere of the game depressing as hell. not even xemnas the king of monotone sounds that boring.
not to mention my character is ugly as hell it's a he i think, the face is stretched far to much and looks horrible, i tried the best i could with him but it's beyond me.
the game is also pretty pointless, i felt like i was doing quests just to do quests just like i did in wow. is there a story here anywhere?
a little background on my own character would be nice.
honestly the only thing i found worth while in this game was ironsights. but now i have that in three along with the weapon mod kits.
i hope i can find some mods that make this s**t worth my time, otherwise i wasted 50 bucks.
fallout 3 on the other hand is awesome just the main map alone is worth a look at least, that and storming the capital with a bunch of team members is awesome. honestly this game was what finally pulled me away from wow long enough to kick the addiction and stay off.
as for anything before, after playing fallout 3 i'm not touching the first two with a ten foot pole, the graphics in those basicly suck and are eye gouging aftering seeing fallout 3.
flame me all you want i'm not replying.
"It's the song of destruction a requiem of the end" jr in xenosaga III