Ravenitrius wrote:
I'm currently subbed to Champions Online and Fallen Earth atm. Then Bioware sent me another invite to a game test and now I'm doing that thing for that's all I can say. I also play APB Reloaded on US East but haven't touch the game in the last 2 weeks. I used to play Global Agenda but it got stale.
Champions Online:
Urszula (I think, maybe mixing my s or z >.>)
Fallen Earth:
Renske Drachen
Global Agenda:
Ravenitrius - 50 Assault, 50 Medic, 46 Robotics
Oooh, you're playing The Old Republic? Awesome.
How'd you get into that? Do you know someone that works for them, or just a loyal customer or what?
What level are you on Fallen Earth? I like it, but I think I'll wait a month or so until it goes into free-to-play. I'm only level 6, but still have 2 weeks to my 30-day trial. I haven't played it much yet; I can tell it's awesome, but it's very slow at the start.
I forgot to say: I'm currently a level 12 Recon on Global Agenda. I could fly around in my jet-pack for hours.
Also, I tried out Drankensang Online yesterday, and it's quite fun. It's a lot like Diablo, except an MMO of course, and it's browser-based, although the graphics are very good for a top-down, free-to-play browser game. It's currently in closed-beta, although it seems just about anyone can get in.
There's the usual confidentiality agreement, and although they said they'd email me to see if I'd be accepted, I am able to play it without being accepted, so whatever.
I am currently a level 4 Spellweaver, named Yowann, on it. The only other class is the Dragonknight, but more classes will come out in the future. Being a very unknown game in closed beta there are very few videos of it to find, but there are a couple on Youtube if you want to check it out.
On a side note, I was in the Huxley closed beta almost 2 years ago, and I loved that game. It was really fun! It's in open beta in Korea, and I tried signing up for it, but failed. There hasn't been any news at all on it in about 9 months, but I really hope it's coming out.
EDIT: I take back my proclamation of awesomeness; I just saw a video of SWTOR, and it'sjust another themepark, point-and-click MMO like WoW... so much for that.
In other news, if Wizardy Online is first-person like the trailer suggests, it sounds really cool. It would be good in third-person too, as long as it's action-oriented and not point-and-click. The open PVP, full looting, and permadeath sounds pretty cool, and the dungeons look awesome.