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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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23 Oct 2011, 3:01 pm

So is anyone here looking forward to this awesome addition to the Sonic series? :D

Also did anyone manage to get their hands of a pre-order of the Collectors Edition, from what I can tell it's pretty difficult to get hold of already!


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23 Oct 2011, 5:08 pm

Kenn_San wrote:
So is anyone here looking forward to this awesome addition to the Sonic series? :D

Also did anyone manage to get their hands of a pre-order of the Collectors Edition, from what I can tell it's pretty difficult to get hold of already!

I just got the Casino Night DLC pre-order in September.

Anyway, I am so looking forward to this masterpiece!

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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23 Oct 2011, 5:48 pm

SonicMisaki wrote:
Kenn_San wrote:
So is anyone here looking forward to this awesome addition to the Sonic series? :D

Also did anyone manage to get their hands of a pre-order of the Collectors Edition, from what I can tell it's pretty difficult to get hold of already!

I just got the Casino Night DLC pre-order in September.

Anyway, I am so looking forward to this masterpiece!

Have you tried the demo yet? :D

I managed to pre-order myself the collectors edition. So I'm hoping nothing goes wrong! :P I managed to order mine from Amazon as I've known a couple of people to order collectors editions of games from and never had them arrive. I'm just hoping it's worth it for the money! :P


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23 Oct 2011, 10:00 pm


"It's the song of destruction a requiem of the end" jr in xenosaga III


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24 Oct 2011, 1:02 am

I'm looking forward to it. I've gotten through most of the Sonic games that are on the Nintendo Wii and Gamecube. I'll probably play Sonic Generations on my PS3 though.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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24 Oct 2011, 10:05 am

Venger wrote:
I'm looking forward to it. I've gotten through most of the Sonic games that are on the Nintendo Wii and Gamecube. I'll probably play Sonic Generations on my PS3 though.

I must admit the only one I've never played from the main series is Sonic Colours - it was honestly those little wisps that threw me right off the idea of playing it. Although I guess I should give it a blast at some point. I'll probably be more keen when I play the Planet Wisp stage :P


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08 Nov 2011, 8:07 pm

I currently have the full game as of last Friday. And you know what? It is awesome.
One more thing: I beat it in around 3 to 4 hours. It's a nice touch how beating Time Eater lets you use both Super Sonics in all main Acts.

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12 Nov 2011, 9:30 pm

I'm waiting for the 3DS version, so I'm not just playing Ocarina of Time and old nes games.


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15 Nov 2011, 10:17 pm

this game was just released and it's price already dropped to 30$ on steam, either it's a special deal on steam which i was never notified off or it's crap.

aren't newly released games between 50$ to 60$ nowadays. even on steam? i'm kinda confused why a brand new game is priced that low.

i just watched the ign review, i saw metal sonic, i might actually get this thing after all. he is bar none my fav sonic character of all time, and see him alone can tip the scales of buying a sonic game for me. i was bummed like hell when he wasn't in sonic all stars racer, thank god for dlc.

i think he was what got me on my robot, android, cyborg, etc... kick in the first place. something about him captured me, i've been a robot fanatic ever since.

edit: i think i'll give this game a shot, because i just saw the villian looks like some dragon thing, but that's not what caught me it was the fact that it ripped a tear in the fabric of time and space with the utmost ease. something that requires 2 sonics to bring down is a boss i want to get a chance to fight. the way i see it sonic is one of the most skilled characters ever, he runs at 600mph and can do stunts that could kill even a final fantasy character at 600mph, his speed is so high he uses no weapon because he needs none, the only thing i can compare his speed to is when a tornado picks up an object as fragile as a blade of grass [example] and ram it into a 5 inch thick board like it's a damn iron nail. sonic's shear speed and velocity can enable him to use his own body as a lethal weapon.

he can take down perfect chaos an immortal beast of shear destruction, entirely solo, [i know he had the 7 emeralds but he still fought the beast with no aid from his friends] and if this guy needs 2 sonics to bring him down that is cool.

besides time paradox and cataclysmic disasters that can wipe out even time itself is a main theme in my story in my head, so getting to play a game that has that basic idea is beyond awesome to me.

but the only thing holding me back is the 11 gb filesize that i'm seeing on steam is not a welcoming sight. i don't know about anyone else but i have dsl or more like we, my compy is like one of 8 [thanks to our business] on the same internet connection and i'm on a wireless router that is not the best in the world, and my dad has a nasty habit of reseting the internet at random times if a page takes more then 2 seconds to load. <-- i'm not joking here.

so downloading large files is not a fun thing to me, and we can't get cable or anything faster then dsl out here, no company is willing to get fast internet out this far in the black hole. dsl is the best we got and it took some doing to get that. so please say it is not really 11gbs. and if i got to gamestop which is an hour drive i'd probably have to pay more. not worth it.

"It's the song of destruction a requiem of the end" jr in xenosaga III


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16 Nov 2011, 3:34 pm

I played the 360 demo. I like it. Now, if Sega would just make Streets of Rage 4...

Sea Gull
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16 Nov 2011, 5:36 pm

This is easily one of my five favourite games of the year...I'm having so much fun with it. I've been a Sonic fan most of my life, but the games have been mostly disappointing me for years now...glad they're back on the right track over the past year.

I never thought I'd say this, but I think I like the 3D parts best...they took completely broken levels and somehow fixed them.

Some awesome remixes too!


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16 Nov 2011, 5:41 pm

SyphonFilter wrote:
I played the 360 demo. I like it. Now, if Sega would just make Streets of Rage 4...

i played the ps3 demo, as well and i'm changing my mind, i'm saving my money for elder scrolls 5, the modern sonic part is decent i don't like switching rails with the analog stick so much but better then classic by far.

classic plays exactly like the genesis, sonic has a hard time stopping, is more floaty then kirby. he doesn't jump high enough, enemies show up out of blue to nuke you at random. platforming is frustrating as hell. and omochao is in the damn game oh hell, shoot me now.

and the 2d sonic fans wanted sonic to play like this again, this confuses me like hell.

modern sonic is fast fluid and more well designed. if the game was just the modern gameplay i would snatch this in a heartbeat but classic is horrible. to bad because the villian looks awesome and metal sonic is in there as well. but classic gameplay kills the game for me.

at least homing attack is on the same button as jump unlike unleashed, and locking on is better. then adventure 2, and i don't care what anyone says homing attack is the best ability sonic has that you can use. to bad his other break neck moves that he uses are only in cutscenes.

but something confuses me about this game, it was said in back to the future. that time would utterly collapse if a person encounters their past self, or future self. shouldn't sonic running into his past self collapse time and cause a paradox? when it comes to things regarding time travel i always use back to the future as a ref.

"It's the song of destruction a requiem of the end" jr in xenosaga III


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18 Nov 2011, 5:16 pm

Jetfox wrote:
SyphonFilter wrote:
I played the 360 demo. I like it. Now, if Sega would just make Streets of Rage 4...

i played the ps3 demo, as well and i'm changing my mind, i'm saving my money for elder scrolls 5, the modern sonic part is decent i don't like switching rails with the analog stick so much but better then classic by far.

classic plays exactly like the genesis, sonic has a hard time stopping, is more floaty then kirby. he doesn't jump high enough, enemies show up out of blue to nuke you at random. platforming is frustrating as hell. and omochao is in the damn game oh hell, shoot me now.

and the 2d sonic fans wanted sonic to play like this again, this confuses me like hell.

modern sonic is fast fluid and more well designed. if the game was just the modern gameplay i would snatch this in a heartbeat but classic is horrible. to bad because the villian looks awesome and metal sonic is in there as well. but classic gameplay kills the game for me.

at least homing attack is on the same button as jump unlike unleashed, and locking on is better. then adventure 2, and i don't care what anyone says homing attack is the best ability sonic has that you can use. to bad his other break neck moves that he uses are only in cutscenes.

but something confuses me about this game, it was said in back to the future. that time would utterly collapse if a person encounters their past self, or future self. shouldn't sonic running into his past self collapse time and cause a paradox? when it comes to things regarding time travel i always use back to the future as a ref.
I played a bit of my brother's copy of Skyrim on his 360, and I just decided it felt too similar to Oblivion (which I don' care for anyway). I bought Modern Warfare 3 instead. MW3's MP is a step backward from Black Ops'.


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18 Nov 2011, 8:53 pm

Kenn_San wrote:
Venger wrote:
I'm looking forward to it. I've gotten through most of the Sonic games that are on the Nintendo Wii and Gamecube. I'll probably play Sonic Generations on my PS3 though.

I must admit the only one I've never played from the main series is Sonic Colours - it was honestly those little wisps that threw me right off the idea of playing it. Although I guess I should give it a blast at some point. I'll probably be more keen when I play the Planet Wisp stage :P

I got through the PS3 version of Sonic Generations last night. It's a really good Sonic game how it has levels from various Sonic titles with a side-view and 3D version of each level. My all-time favorite Sonic game is still "Sonic Adventure 2: Battle" for Gamecube though.


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18 Nov 2011, 8:56 pm

SyphonFilter wrote:
I played a bit of my brother's copy of Skyrim on his 360, and I just decided it felt too similar to Oblivion (which I don' care for anyway). I bought Modern Warfare 3 instead. MW3's MP is a step backward from Black Ops'.

got skyrim loving it already, but i'm more of an rpg person anyway, i don't find it to much like oblivion, looking at this game the previous one seems incomplete. character models are nicer as well.

but to each his own. i know if i have to do anything other then green hill zone on classic sonic i am screwed. it's to bad though that metal sonic battle looks awesome, i'd probably get raped fighting him though.

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18 Nov 2011, 8:57 pm

Darialan wrote:
I'm waiting for the 3DS version, so I'm not just playing Ocarina of Time and old nes games.

Don't. Get WayForward's games instead. Sonic Generations 3DS isn't shaping up too well.

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