Yay, another fan of Tomba(Tombi in the UK)! That series might be even more interesting when high. Particularly the Mushroom Forest in the first game(as shown in that screenshot. I would say the Persona games, but heavily story based rpgs might not be easy to follow when high. Then again, I don't do drugs, so what do I know? I'm just speculating what games might be especially awesome after drug use. The game that most immediately comes to mind is Space Harrier for the arcade/Sega Genesis(the arcade version is in the Ultimate Genesis/Megadrive Collection for xbox 360 and ps3). That game's trippy as it is. I'm sure with a high, it would be a gateway to enlightenment. I'm posting this at 1:30AM, as a result of a really bad habit of mind, and am about to check in for the night, so sorry, no vid or link. I'd like to see what happens