I am looking forward to the day SCP: Containment Breach goes to beta. I wonder if there's any way of stopping SCP-073 besides not ever blinking...
My high point for video-game horror would have to be the sequence in the Ocean House Hotel in Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines. The spooky music, the half-glimpsed figures running through the halls, the story you piece together from newspaper scraps and diary entries and a child's crayon drawing of Daddy-becoming-a-monster... the stuff exploding at random as you pass... that moment in an upstairs room when the lights go out, various objects pummel you, and when the lights come back up, something has carved "GET OUT" in the wall above the bed... There have been very few games that have made me jump, but this one managed it. (The hospital sequence started off like this too, especially the found footage of the reality-show crew disappearing, but it was, IMO, ruined when you not only found the monster responsible, but had a conversation with it, and even ran an errand to help it out.)
Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.