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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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30 Apr 2016, 5:03 am

What is your favorite first-person shooter? Name at least one first-person shooter that you really enjoy.

Now for your info the first-person shooter I would consider to be one of the greatest in existence, was STALKER: Call of Chernobyl. It completely redid my perspective on what first-person shooters can achieve, by giving a more "realistic" and down-to-earth experience (well as realistic as mutants and zombies which show up in this game, can be). Instead of running, jumping, shooting and picking up health packs, you have to slowly crawl through the mud or tall grass while picking off mutants or bandits with your gun (it even has sights which you have to aim down). Then there's replenishing health in the form of bandages and sausages (no really), and I could go on but I would bore you. It also has a more Russian theme, with characters talking in Russian although English dialogue does exist in the game. In fact this game started within me a passion for all things Russian (including classic literature, such as Crime and Punishment for example). That is why I rate Shadow of Chernobyl as one of the best games in this genre, and I would recommend it to anyone who visits the Games and Video games forum :) .

P.S: I haven't completed the game due to my stroke (I was almost near the end by the way), and I would finish it once my left hand has fully recovered.


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30 Apr 2016, 6:52 am

I always liked Metroid Prime, that was an amazing game with all the exotic touches, Timesplitters 2 is also great fun I had endless hours of multiplayer on it, Goldeneye is a classic and Half Life 2 is insane, I also like the Metro series, I'm not a huge fan of shooters but these 5 were good times.


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30 Apr 2016, 7:15 am

I enjoy whatever stands out from the crowd really. The market is literally flooded with Call of Duty, Battlefield, and whatever tries to be like the two.

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30 Apr 2016, 9:02 am

I don't play a lot of first person shooters. I did love Wolfenstein: The New Order though. Not another shooter in the last five years has been so consistently good. It was a blast to play, with a ridiculous but not over the top story that never forgot that first and foremost it was a videogame. So many shooters are so relentlessly dour, and to play through a game of this type with a grin on my face from start to finish was such a contrast to all the other shooters that I'd played prior.

Sure, I love 'serious' games like the Bioshock games and Spec Ops: The Line, but I don't want that to be the tone for every game I play.

For multiplayer shooters I enjoyed Tribes: Ascend a fair bit, and if the developers hadn't let it die I'd probably still be playing it. I expect once Overwatch comes out I'll play a fair bit of that; I'm very much looking forward to it. But right now I'm spending most of my time in Hover Junkers. It's very fun and very physically demanding, to the point where when I'm playing it I've taken to having a fan positioned to face my play area. I've played it for only 7 hours so far but that's because it's been hard to find a game, but less so nowadays. I'm looking forward to its community growing so I can get into games more consistently and on servers with less ping than what I'm currently getting with US servers.


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30 Apr 2016, 12:18 pm

I like Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising. It is tremendously flawed, but I love the terrain, damage model, and the drivable vehicles. It also has a good variety of level design; stealthy recon missions which can theoretically be completed without shooting, are mixed with frontal assaults that have objectives like "protect the tanks".


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30 Apr 2016, 11:44 pm

I don't know, probably DOOM.

STALKER is really cool too, though, especially once you fan-patch most of the bugs away. I like ZRP, because it fixes bugs without adding a bunch of silly stuff.

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Tufted Titmouse
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01 May 2016, 4:59 pm

Currently hugely into Planetside 2 (they just released a Construction update). It's a free-to-play shooter on PS4 and PC (maybe Xbone?). There are three factions, and you are able to choose which one you want to be apart of. Each one has their pros and cons, and I am personally part of the NC. It's like a huge game of risk, but it's all done it first person, with thousands of players all playing in the same world at once.

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01 May 2016, 10:11 pm

For me it comes down to the classics: Wolfenstein and Doom. Without them there wouldn't be a first person shooter genre and many of the FPSs of today still have trouble competing with the fun run and gun nature of these games.

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02 May 2016, 3:45 am

I'm exclusively into Arena FPS (Doom, Quake, Unreal, Nexuiz...), basically stuck in the late 90's/early 00's.
Have tried other kinds of FPS games (more action oriented like Borderlands or warfare oriented like Battlefield), but never enjoyed or being good at it.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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03 May 2016, 12:45 am

Probably the first COD: Modern Warfare. I think it had some special/unique missions and it was the first FPS that I played seriously. A lot of my friends thought Goldeneye was the best shooter, but I never really got too into it unfortunately.


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03 May 2016, 2:33 am

DancingCorpse wrote:
I always liked Metroid Prime, that was an amazing game with all the exotic touches.

that it was. it amazes me how retro was able to cram such a big, incredibly detailed world onto such a small 1.4 GB disc, and at 60 FPS to boot. fascinating. echoes was equally great IMO.

other than that, my favorite FPSes are bioshock 1 and 2, which i suppose says a lot about my experience with the medium...not much. i've been courting system shock 2 recently but i feel that might be a bit out of my league.

(i suck at games, majorly.)

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03 May 2016, 2:17 pm

I was replaying Rainbow Six: Vegas 2. An arguably terrible game with a nonsensical story, but I discovered the cheat code for Third Person View; it makes the game about 300% better in my opinion.


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03 May 2016, 5:12 pm

Started playing Overwatch yesterday. Kept playing and before I knew it eight hours had passed. It is an amazing game, and the best multiplayer shooter I've ever played. I haven't had this much fun with a multiplayer shooter since the original Unreal Tournament.

Tufted Titmouse
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03 May 2016, 9:57 pm

Enigmatic_Oddity wrote:
Started playing Overwatch yesterday. Kept playing and before I knew it eight hours had passed. It is an amazing game, and the best multiplayer shooter I've ever played. I haven't had this much fun with a multiplayer shooter since the original Unreal Tournament.

I really need to play Overwatch, but I've been so busy with school. I must make sure I play it tomorrow! Are the classes all fun, or are there a few that are overpowered compared to the rest?

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04 May 2016, 1:50 pm

I haven't played all the heroes yet, mostly because pick up groups don't pick tanks or supports often so I end up doing those roles. What I'm finding is that though some heroes are often good generally, others have more specialised utility and are better in certain map types, or even in just certain parts of the map. It's often beneficial for the team for players to switch heroes mid game, in response to the other team's hero picks or where the current engagement is.

What I really like is all the tank and support heroes are really fun to play. I feel like usually these roles aren't as fun but every hero has a way to really turn the tide of a game.

In many ways the game reminds me of World of Warcraft group content with its focus on teamwork and synergy between characters, and managing your most powerful abilities and timing them to counter your opponents. It's nothing like World of Warcraft in its gameplay, but it's very much like it in its design.


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05 May 2016, 2:27 am

Aspiegaming wrote:
I enjoy whatever stands out from the crowd really. The market is literally flooded with Call of Duty, Battlefield, and whatever tries to be like the two.

dunno, people don't seem to be reacting all too well to the new COD: infinite warfare.

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