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23 Aug 2016, 4:48 pm

I don't have a number one favorite because I'm torn between Link's Awakening and Wind Waker. Link's Awakening was the first one I ever played so I'm biased towards it. I played it when I was six or seven and I found it later at a used video game store (not the copy I had when I was little but another copy). Then I started playing Wind Waker on the GameCube. I haven't played the Wii U edition.

My "just starting out with video games" games were Link's Awakening, Pokemon Blue, Mega Man 3 and I don't remember which Metroid it was but I think it was Metroid II.

Okay, I went way off topic there.

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23 Aug 2016, 5:04 pm

My favorite Zelda game is A Link Between Worlds. Sure, may be one of the new ones, but it was my first one.

Uhhh what do I put here now?


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23 Aug 2016, 6:31 pm

This is a hard one because I loved all the games. I guess I would have to say Wind Waker because it was my first and the art style is really enjoyable and all around a fun game. Although, I recently replayed Majora's Mask and have to say it's a close tie for my favorite. Also really liked The Minish Cap.


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24 Aug 2016, 1:31 am

The original, definitely.

I loved everything up until Ocarina, which I found very.... "meh". Something was just lost at that point to me, and it never, ever came back. At this point I no longer have any interest in the series outside of those earliest ones.


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24 Aug 2016, 8:04 am

Misery wrote:
The original, definitely.

I loved everything up until Ocarina, which I found very.... "meh". Something was just lost at that point to me, and it never, ever came back. At this point I no longer have any interest in the series outside of those earliest ones.

The older games have a certain thing about them that makes them better than the newer ones. I don't know what it is.

The newer ones just don't have the same feel. I have the Majora's Mask 3DS version but it just feels, well, not traditional.

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24 Aug 2016, 10:57 am

Minish Cap and Phantom Hourglass are the only ones I really enjoyed.

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26 Aug 2016, 7:55 pm

Majora's Mask! Termina is such a profoundly disturbing/mesmerizing expanse of land... I love that place, it makes Hyrule seem very tame and timid (OOT is groundbreaking and marvelous but I much prefer Majora's carnival tent parade), I swear I read they made excellent use of the rejected/alternate designs for Ocarina. I love how doomed it all is, there's a tragic undercurrent pulsing thickly beneath every single building and tuft of grass you examine. I really liked Wind Waker, it was certainly a different direction, the sea made me lonely at times because there's something about endless ocean that unnerves me, I rarely felt numbed by that game though, some thought it was repetitive but each big island had a hell of a lot to offer. I forgot I was surrounded by the sea, I loved the auction!


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26 Aug 2016, 9:20 pm

I would say Zelda 2, just because its the hardest. Even the music seems to say, "Yeah, good luck, you're not gonna make it"


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26 Aug 2016, 9:36 pm

They are all good, I take em all for what they are. They messed up on the art style with Wind Waker but not all was lost and its a unique game at the very least least.

For me I am going to say Link's Awakening cause I grew up on Gameboy and that was my go to system. I had consoles but I just never played them as much growing up, gaming was a hobby that came and went with me until I was teenager.


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28 Aug 2016, 11:47 am

I really liked the art style of Wind Waker. It was like you were playing a cartoon, and I had never seen a game that looked like that before. I didn't like Zelda 2 at all because it was extremely difficult, and the side scrolling dungeons didn't have that same explorability that top-down Zelda games have. I didn't really care for Phantom Hourglass, either. There's something about the graphics, like it pretends to be 3D like Wind Waker, but isn't, and I hated the Temple of the Ocean King because of the time pressure and stealth aspect.


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29 Aug 2016, 7:33 am

Gotta say OoT on this one. I have so many fond memories of that game from the time it came out, to the day I owned it, the many times I played through it and so on and so forth. My second favorite I'm gonna say is link to the past even though I never did beat it ever X_x Then maybe Wind Waker to come in a close 3rd. Wind Waker was pretty much under appreciated back in the day I think. Too many people out there always butthurt about graphics ...


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29 Aug 2016, 1:17 pm

A Link to the Past, with A Link Between Worlds a painstakingly close second.

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30 Aug 2016, 1:32 pm

For me it's definitely a tie between Ocarina of Time and Major's Mask (and the N64 versions were the best IMO). Those games felt like they had more of a detailed world to explore than the other games like Wind Waker (I get sick of seeing nothing but ocean around a few tiny scattered islands!) or Twilight Princess.

Also call me weird but I had a problem with A Link To The Past because of the fact that Link was having to kill the Hyrule guards who were really innocent victims of the wizard villain who put some kind of mind control spell on all of them to make them evil. That always bothered me and I wished that there had been a way to defeat them without actually killing any of them (like when you fight the gerudo women in OoT or MM and you simply knock them out instead of actually killing them like the other enemies).


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03 Sep 2016, 11:43 pm

I only played afew but Ocarina of Time is my fav.

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04 Sep 2016, 11:01 am

Wind Waker followed closely by Majora's Mask and Skyward Sword for various reasons.

WW I feel is a perfect blend of what all makes a Zelda game art. Whimsical style, unique characters and world, simplistic but effective story and themes, (mostly) open ended for the player to explore at their own pace. Only things that are missing to me are a general lack of difficulty as well as the dungeons having to be dealt with in a certain order. Either way I do feel Breath of the Wild is very similar in concept and will definitely surpass it.

SS also seemed similar but was very much its own thing. I liked the idea of pre Hyrule, being a bit more of a solitary adventure (though not quite Metroid). Reuse of areas here was actually very clever and most of the level design was good enough to support it. Thing I loved most was the motion controls and am sad to see them go. Also there was at least a little bit of challenge. Problems I had with it were no dynamic time, fewer emphasis on sidequests, and it focused a little too much on being an Ocarina of Time prequel to stand on its own.

MM was a very different game and I feel better for it. Major emphasis on sidequests which might not mean much to some players, but they are really missing out as I feel it's a very competent way of adding to the overall story, such as with games like Deadly Premonition or Red Dead Redemption or Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. This way there didn't need to be so many intrusive cutscenes. Also there being fewer dungeons made each seem far more important to me at least.

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09 Sep 2016, 4:30 pm

legend of zelda ocarina of time will all ways be my favorite finish it so many time :)

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