Ichinin wrote:
Sometimes when i have seen some of the people who play boardgames doing their acting out dramatisation of events in the game, i understand why athletes want to punch nerds in the face.
That sounds more like tabletop RPGs than board games... is that maybe what they're doing?
Tabletop RPGs tend to involve a heck of alot of roleplaying (the acting) because creating and experiencing a story is half the point, and the actual dialogue that you come up with is an actual part of the gameplay.
Now as for me, I love the idea of board games. Or some card games. But in practice, I never actually get to do them. Why? I dont know anyone that would want to. It's very frustrating.
Same with things like tabletop RPGs. Well, no, that one is a bit different. Like, I do know of a group that does D&D, but... their sessions are like 5 freaking hours long. That's just too much for me, I'd end up getting a bit overwhelmed.
So yeah, one way or another I dont get to do these things often.
I have found some video games that do a great job of creating a Euro-boardgame experience while being singleplayer, and I've also found things like Sentinels of the Multiverse (can be played by 1-4 players, it's fantastic no matter how many you've got). So those are good at least, but still. I'd love to play actual board games. Generally the Euro type as those tend to be vastly more focused on strategy. Alot of American board games end up having too much luck involved.