Well it has taken me about a month, but I managed to get around to finishing the last of the Metroid Prime Triology , Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. My play time was 21 hours and 4 minutes, and I actually managed to 100% complete it, the game has a function to be able to be able to mark the maps where are items are so I know where to go to get what was left, something I think was also a part of Fusion and Zero Mission, but easier to take advantage of here.
This one actually had other human army characters, and also some other bounty hunters, which felt like something I have been waiting for some time. You don't entirely feel so alone, which goes a bit against a core theme of the games, but I think it expands where before there was not much. The hint system was particularly it was not always the same source telling you where you should go next so it felt a little more organic, it would tend to give you a general area you would need to work towards and if you seemed to be taking too long the game seemed to give you an extra hint about the actually area you likely need to go next to get there. I would say the best hints of all the games. Also expanding it was that you in general go over multiple planets, being able to utilise the ship for things which was really kind of lacking compared to the other games where it often would just be used at the end. The game kind of removes the multiple fire types of the previous games, which in essence make it less fiddly, but kind of makes up for it with an overload mode that makes you stronger while using it, but you run the risk of becoming corrupt (game over) and it takes some health to use, but it was a good change up that I did not expect to get so much use out of. missiles again were kind of not as needed, at least at this level, except when fighting a specific Metroid enemy. Overall I would say Corruption was fun. Perhaps bosses could have been a bit harder instead of mostly just a bit tricky.
So I have two games left, and I actually just ordered a preowned copy of Metroid Prime Hunters, so that is probably what I will be playing on my 3DS next, and then finish off with the infamous Other M.
In the meantime I did start playing some Fallout 3, I had been meaning to have a game with some DLC I have gotten with it, and I felt like I just needed a way to get me interested in a character. And the character I made for the game was a build of Samus Aran, a focus on Energy weapons, explosives, and science, and no charisma at all (she really does not speak. I have been having some fun with it.
Through dream I travel, at lantern's call
To consume the flames of a kingdom's fall