honeytoast wrote:
Yeah, I had no idea. I enjoy the aesthetics of MM and the music, I really wanted to play it.
I finally played it a few years ago (on N64 with a tweak patch), and I enjoyed it a lot, but I can see how it could be confusing to a newcomer.
They do have a notebook to help you, but a lot of the game is memorizing what events happen on each day, where people will be, what they need, etc.
OoT can be pretty confusing too...there's a LOT of times in the game where Navi will nag you to go do something, but it's not clear where you're supposed to go or how you're supposed to do it. I've had to consult a walkthrough a few times.
If you do play MM, my big tip is that if you find a dungeon, make sure to restart the timeline before attempting it...otherwise if you run out of time, everything starts over, and all of your dungeon progress is lost. It's pretty annoying.
I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...