Cyanide wrote:
I used to play it, but not anymore. The game started getting really terrible after they came out with Burning Crusade. I absolutely HATED the Outlands (except for Nagrand). I played off and on for a while, eventually bought Lich King and then I quit. I never got to level 80, but I did explore everything on the map and get the captain planet tabard!
I've been clean for over half a year now, though recently Blizzard sent me an e-mail offering me free gameplay for 7 days... That company is like a horrible drug pusher. I'll probably take them up on their offer after I'm done with finals next week, but I doubt I'll actually start paying to play again.
I don't think you should do it. I've been playing WoW since it came out, big fan. BUT my most hated expansion was WotLK.
Even tho I enjoy the world and quests they are to linear and the only thing that makes the game fun is the end gamer raiding. PvP is not for me, I don't see how running around killing players all day for weeks could be any sort of enjoyment. The only time PvP is fun is when you're doing it in a Guild group and people joke around over Vent.
I think you should stop giving your money to Blizzard. Since the game indeed has lost it's charm. I even takes break from time to time and play games like Phantasy Star Online (BB-Blue Burst) there are private servers with a horde of people who never got enough of it from the Dreamcast days.
I'm looking forward to Guild Wars 2 myself.
Rift, not so much since I believe they mentioned it's going to be PvP orientated + I'm already balls-deep in WoW so I don't need another one. Or I'd long ago switch to Aion.
If you have absolutely nothing to game right now (which I doubt) then do take the "7 day free trial lure you back and get hooked offer" but if you can compromise and live on great games like Dragon Age and Dead Space series till something more attractive comes along then I think you should do that.
Ciao for now.
I'm not here to enjoy life, I'm here to withstand it.
Crosseyed God