Sparx wrote:
Twinsanity was the last good Crash game imo. I prefer Naughty Dog's Crash, but Traveller's Tales made a couple good games. Whoever owns the franchise now (Vivendi or something) changed it too much, he's just not the same Crash I grew up with.
Crash rant over. Sorry, he used used to be my main special interest, and this topic rekindled that a bit. xD
twinsanity was the last one my bro played, but i agree crash as changed way to much, i'd rather play the old ps1 crash games then the new ones any day. i'm usually all for new games, but there are a few exceptions crash being one of them.
as for spyro i might like the newer ones better, i've always pictured dragons as more like the ones in skyrim, violent and full of bloodlust. dragons aren't suppose to be tamed down.
"It's the song of destruction a requiem of the end" jr in xenosaga III