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03 Oct 2012, 10:36 pm

wow I never knew you could do that 8O

So I take it your not a fan of SR ?

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03 Oct 2012, 10:40 pm

ZX_SpectrumDisorder wrote:
transformingcar wrote:
No chance. GTA is in a different class.

oh really now? and how do you figure that?

You can feel the difference in quality immediately. GTA is a superior game in every way. Its presentation, the sheer scope and ambition of its developers, the game's visual fidelity, audio, the Euphoria engine etc. In GTA you feel you're in a living, emergent, breathing, functioning city. Saints Row just seems like a puerile mess, to me.

Yes , not that I have a problem with puerile mess , I like Duke Nukem Forever for gawds sake :oops:

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03 Oct 2012, 11:49 pm

aussiebloke wrote:

You sort of missed the point I agree it was a a parody though it was badly executed , they need to better understand the subject to get it *right* If you want it done right just look to games like Binary Domain or Duke Nukem ......

Sorry this has to be one of the worst games I've ever try to play far worse than ho hum games like COD (at least I can understand why it's popular) with SR I'm dumbfounded . :?

Personally I found Saints Row 2 to be better than Saints Row the Third anyways, even if 2 had a really horrible PC port(Then again, so did GTA IV, I wish companies would take PC gaming seriously and put time and effort into the PC releases of primarily console games). And from what I've gathered from others that have played both, my opinion is fairly common among them. I can still see why some people like 3 though, I just thought it wasn't quite as good. They are making a fourth one, so hopefully its not quite so ridiculous, and generally just better quality. It's too bad THQ is doing so poorly and Saints Row will never have the production values that GTA has anyways.

But really, more so than Saint's Row 4 or GTA V, I am looking forward to Watch Dogs. Watch Dogs was easily the best game shown at E3 2012, it looked amazing. Might be a next-gen console release though, they just said PC and Consoles and didn't specify which. Ubisoft might have a hit franchise on their hands, they surprised everyone with that game at their press conference.


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04 Oct 2012, 11:17 am

aussiebloke wrote:
wow I never knew you could do that 8O

So I take it your not a fan of SR ?

i have never played SR.

where are you up to in GTA4?

there are some things i find annoying in GTA4.

i do not like it that i can not drive at a moderate pace. i have to either "floor it" or drive jerkily by intermittently pressing the "up" button. i wish there was some way that i could set the power of the car i am driving to whatever speed i choose.

i do not like it that when i am speeding toward an important mission that i must complete soon, and i get a call from eg: brucie who wants to get drunk. either i fail the important mission, or i get the thumbs down from brucie.

there should be no phone calls to go bowling or other activities while i am on a money making mission.

i prefer the small simple cars because they are much more maneuverable. if i get into a ferrari like sports car, i find them hard to control because they speed up so quickly that before long it requires serious hand eye coordination to control them. also, the very powerful cars fishtail out of control very easily when going around corners.

when i accept a request to go drinking with someone, i remain drunk forever unless i get into a car, and then i have to flee from police pursuits (they know somehow i am drunk from the moment they see me) until i drop the person back home, and it is tedious and very annoying.

whatever. i am tired and i have said enough.

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04 Oct 2012, 1:08 pm

I liked both games but I preferred GTAIV.
Some complain that GTA tries too hard to be realistic, but I like that. Saints Row the Third seemed stuffy and chaotic to me; GTAIV was slick and refined. People also make fun of GTA because of the side-games, they seem unnecessary but at least they break up the action if you try them. Saints Row seemed to be constant over-the-top and sometimes frustrating violence. The story in GTAIV was good too, at least, compared to the mess of Saints Row the Third's story.

edit: And the GTAIV online was fun. It was far from perfect, in fact it was set up terribly, but playing it was fun.


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04 Oct 2012, 2:33 pm

do not like it that i can not drive at a moderate pace. i have to either "floor it" or drive jerkily by intermittently pressing the "up" button. i wish there was some way that i could set the power of the car i am driving to whatever speed i choose.

did you know Saints Row games have cruise control? fixes that proablem right away! and Mafia2 has a speed limiter...
anyway, I recently buoght an expansion pack for GTA 4 "The Lost". it's good, lots of new bikes, and the gang vans are cool.
and I've been playing GTA 4 alot lately, yet I still don't feel the level of "FUN" that SR3 gives me.
as for Just cuase 2, it's alirght, I like it, but it's nothing compared to GTA SA.

Just let me say, I love all sorts of GTA style games, and GTA SA was my favorite untill SR3 came out.
I've played the campgian in SR3 countless times, and everytime it just gets better.

I hopeing for even more "FUN" stuff in SR4. maybe more aliens or military stuff.


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04 Oct 2012, 2:48 pm

As far as driving in any of these games, it helps to play with a controller with analog triggers for the gas, steering works better with an analog thumbstick as opposed to keyboard buttons as well. Unfortunately I prefer shooting controls with keyboard and mouse. At least with PC you have a choice.


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04 Oct 2012, 6:18 pm

I think puerile mess nails it, it's like the work experience guy game the one he did between lectures. You didn't want to be cruel so you tell him it was a fair effort, needs more polish and industry experience. He has a dummy spit as his a Bobby Brady American type so he decides to go on a RTW Holiday to "find himself"(at his parents expense of cause) he didn't like what he found so he decided to put his heart and "soul" into SR3.

Yes it looked more polished but nobody told him (or did they) the show room shine all it did was mirror it's ugliness akin to putting lipstick on a bulldog or polishing a turd. Whats particular disappointing are the internet journalists who sing it's praises lovers of old school GTA will love it to bits well they where partly right it's old school in the worst way possible what was great about GTA* is made worse and it's faults like clunky mechanics well ....

Really if I was at THQ I'd tell work experience guy your high schools careers councillor failed you , the police services are allways looking and with the ever lowering of entry standard's (in this glorious state of Queensland at least) it's a shoe in,

What a strange world we live (good) puerile games like Duke Nukem Forever gets a 1-2/10 yet this one gets a 8.9 , or even 10 What is this world coming to ? at the risk of repeating myself this is the few popular games who's appeal alludes me :?

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04 Oct 2012, 6:29 pm

I've finished both the episodes and the GTA iv twice B9 The Ballard of Gay Tony is a far superior game , Yusuf the arab billionaire who thinks daddies billion is not enough to survive on than asks what does a billion $ buy these days not even a million dollars is a crack up. That's whats great about GTA it excels in many areas by a considerable margin and in others it seems like it's an after thought, sadly more than any other enjoyable game it's always been about taking the good with the bad with this franchise.

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04 Oct 2012, 6:47 pm

Aussie, you seem to come off as closed-minded. Its one thing to dislike a game, but to go around posting your idea of what went into making a game you don't like by straight up insulting its developers(Hint, its not just one person) comes off as pretty tacky. If you seem to think its so easy to make a game, or seem to think you can make a game on the scale of Saints Row the Third with one person, I'd like to see you try. But just because you don't like it, doesn't mean you need to insult the developers or the people that play their games.

I for one don't like Starcraft and not sure why its more popular than other RTS games that I found better, but I don't go around insulting the developers at Blizzard over it. In most cases, they are just trying to make games they enjoy, which may or may not line up with what you enjoy.


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04 Oct 2012, 6:55 pm


I was a bit mean. :oops:

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07 Oct 2012, 2:37 am

Considering the new screens of Grand Theft Auto V and the production values of Max Payne 3, it is safe to say that Grand Theft Auto V will beat anything on the market in terms of production values.


Compared to Saints Row: The Third


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07 Oct 2012, 2:47 am

It would be more fair to compare Grand Theft Auto IV to Saints Row 2 since they were both released in 2008.

Grand Theft Auto IV

Saints Row 2


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07 Oct 2012, 5:03 am

Am I the only one that is more looking forward to Watch Dogs? It was announced at E3 this year. Just watch this.

This is what they showed during the Ubisoft press conference. Watch it in HD, I am not sure how much of the background NPCs actions are scripted just for the gameplay demo, but the gameplay sounds interesting and graphically its utterly impressive. Pay attention to details like the main characters jacket, and the wind. GTA V wishes it looked this good. Its also the best looking wet pavement I have ever seen in a game.



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07 Oct 2012, 8:09 am

wolfheart it is a pity that your pictures have an incorrect aspect ratio.

i think GTA 4 is a very funny game (i am not talking about the intentional in game humor, but the absurd activities of the people in the game that can be elicited) and it has had me in stitches many times. the "behavior engine" tries to be realistic, but there are many ways to outwit it in order to produce extremely funny results.

here is an example: (it is a pity that the video quality is so poor)


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07 Oct 2012, 8:29 am

May be able to get Saints Row 3 tomorrow. I'd almost rather save money for MGS: Ground Zeroes or any other game that might catch my interest, but those are so far away that I'd hopefully get myself a job by then anyway.

Those screenhots for GTAV look pretty nice, but I'm gonna have to wait for more information and in depth, substantial trailers. I'm not really sure I should be worried or not. Just looking at those, I'm glad to see they brought some planes back, as well as that there are areas other than the city, but who knows how much a part of the game those things will be? I liked IV, but San Andreas was a lot more fun for me to explore and fool around in in general and I don't know if they'll be able to deliver anything like it or if they're trying to at all.

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The Old Masters: how well they understood
Its human position; how it takes place
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