Am I the Only One Who Hates Multiplayer?

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12 Dec 2012, 8:38 pm

And have you heard the horrible rumors that the next Elder Scroll game is going to be a MMO!


I dont have enough time to get as good as the kids that dont have to go to work or maintain a home, I did try the Russian IL2 flight sim online but got shot down.
And I certainly dont have enough time to warrent a monthly fee.


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12 Dec 2012, 10:16 pm

I like some local Lan games, like free civ or such (but that is because it is with my nephew).

Last edited by zacb on 12 Dec 2012, 10:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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12 Dec 2012, 10:17 pm

hyksos55 wrote:
zacb wrote:
Gary Johnson 2016(look him up)

I know him, voted for him this year. Hoping to vote for him in 2016.

Fist bump :D .


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13 Dec 2012, 2:51 am

Nambo wrote:
And have you heard the horrible rumors that the next Elder Scroll game is going to be a MMO!


I dont have enough time to get as good as the kids that dont have to go to work or maintain a home, I did try the Russian IL2 flight sim online but got shot down.
And I certainly dont have enough time to warrent a monthly fee.

as far as I know The Elder Scrolls Online is made by a separate development team, but yeah, its not a rumor, they've shown gameplay already and such. Its not going to stop them from making more single-player games though, even story wise the online one is something like a thousand years before Oblivion, but they are going to have the entire continent of Tamriel in it.

Also, how much time do you feel is enough to warrant a monthly fee? When compared to other forms of entertainment, 15 bucks a month is pretty cheap. For that same 15 bucks I could go bowl for 4 hours(Well, 16 bucks, they do 7.99 for 2 hours during the week at a local place) or go see one 2-3 hour movie. Although I would certainly not mind if companies lowered or got rid of the initial purchase if they are using a monthly fee.


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13 Dec 2012, 3:16 am

ESO looks like it will be riding on the edge of a blade, they either cater too much tot he mmo side and eerything devolves into a cookie cutter mmo with an elder scolls skin,
or they will cater too much to the dynamic nature of the singleplayer games and make not only balancing but also actual gameplay an issue.

that said there is that slight chance that it will actually feel and function like the singleplayer games with the depth of an mmo.
my only issue is that with such a huge area content could end up being somewhat scattered, i hope they have some sort of randomized or procedural features in there as well,
perhaps the spawns could be dynamic, for an example the population of deer would rise as wolf population decreased, eventually promting the wolves to move in search of a denser food source, ryzom tried somethign akin to this but i cant really remember it working.

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13 Dec 2012, 9:17 am

I don't mind some multiplayer. I like it with NHL and playing in a club with friends I've made due to the game itself. Randoms, not so much. Same with Fifa. CoD is where multiplayer can be annoying due to those people who consider themselves elite and if you don't play their way they resort to insulting you through messages. So apart from sad people who's lives revolve around their stats, multiplayer is ok. I'm finding with some games the offline is becoming boring, but then I guess multiplayer is taking over so offline gets left behind a bit.. :/

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13 Dec 2012, 9:31 am

I enjoy multiplayer, I just hate the other players for being annoying twatwaffles: screaming, racial slurs, greed, the works.

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13 Dec 2012, 11:14 am

eelektrik wrote:
Nambo wrote:
And have you heard the horrible rumors that the next Elder Scroll game is going to be a MMO!


I dont have enough time to get as good as the kids that dont have to go to work or maintain a home, I did try the Russian IL2 flight sim online but got shot down.
And I certainly dont have enough time to warrent a monthly fee.

as far as I know The Elder Scrolls Online is made by a separate development team, but yeah, its not a rumor, they've shown gameplay already and such. Its not going to stop them from making more single-player games though, even story wise the online one is something like a thousand years before Oblivion, but they are going to have the entire continent of Tamriel in it.

Also, how much time do you feel is enough to warrant a monthly fee? When compared to other forms of entertainment, 15 bucks a month is pretty cheap. For that same 15 bucks I could go bowl for 4 hours(Well, 16 bucks, they do 7.99 for 2 hours during the week at a local place) or go see one 2-3 hour movie. Although I would certainly not mind if companies lowered or got rid of the initial purchase if they are using a monthly fee.
It is not that 15 a month is a good deal it is that the other forms of enterainment are overpriced like much of everything.


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14 Dec 2012, 4:21 am

I don't hate multiplayer, I just hate what it's doing to the industry. I could say the same of other things, like app games. As for multiplayer, I don't like the notion of multiplayer being the focus over singleplayer, except in the case of select genres, and even then, I prefer the singleplayer portion to be solid too. Online multiplayer is something I only do with friends now, and before that, I would only use a headset with friends, since people with headsets really annoy me, unless I know them. In matchmaking, I will mute all strangers, which is usually the entire opposing team. I don't do matchmaking on my own anymore, because I've always thought of multiplayer as a social experience. In competitive online games, no one's there to socialize, so it defeats the purpose for me. However, I do enjoy being able to play games with my forum friends, since that wasn't an option before.

Otherwise, I only play singleplayer games, and singleplayer portions of games, and I don't think multiplayer is the messiah of gaming, like it seems to be made out to be. Maybe it's because I grew up in a time when online multiplayer wasn't a thing, except on the pc, but it just isn't something I need. It's fun once in a while, with friends, but I think it's overrated.


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15 Dec 2012, 9:09 pm

As a rule, I hate multiplayer... But I used to really like free roam multiplayer in Red Dead Redemption.

It was a lot of fun if you could get a good posse and go raiding outlaw hideouts or just play land grab in one of the towns.

Getting a good posse was the hard part.

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19 Dec 2012, 10:09 pm

Nambo wrote:
And have you heard the horrible rumors that the next Elder Scroll game is going to be a MMO!


I dont have enough time to get as good as the kids that dont have to go to work or maintain a home, I did try the Russian IL2 flight sim online but got shot down.
And I certainly dont have enough time to warrent a monthly fee.
That happened with Star Wars: The Old Republic, and lots of folks were not pleased. Most people still pine for a Knights of the Old Republic 3 today, but with the MMORPG membership declining, I know we ain't gettin' it now. :?

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19 Dec 2012, 11:40 pm

I like having the option of online play (providing it is bug free) As its a good way to mix the gameplay up a bit and to prevent a game from getting stale. But that's all I think it should be, an option. Single player should always be the main priority in making a game and not just a quick 3 hour side mode (I'm looking at you Call of Duty). Not really a fan of communicating while playing multiplayer though as it feels similar to talking to someone on the phone, which I hate. So normally don't have my mic on when people play with me. Plus, focusing on what to say while playing the game can break up my concentration and put me off.


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20 Dec 2012, 3:23 am

I like multiplayer when it's local or online with only my BF, but not if it's stranger. What makes me sad is that local multiplayer is dying because of all the online multiplayer, and if it is added, it's tacked on :/ My mom used to run a daycare, and I loved playing multiplayer games with the other kids :)


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20 Dec 2012, 6:13 am

ebec11 wrote:
I like multiplayer when it's local or online with only my BF, but not if it's stranger. What makes me sad is that local multiplayer is dying because of all the online multiplayer, and if it is added, it's tacked on :/ My mom used to run a daycare, and I loved playing multiplayer games with the other kids :)

i have found that the way of emulating that are the social game services like steam and desura.

they tell you who is online where doing what, making it easy to play with friends.

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20 Dec 2012, 2:38 pm

I don't like multiplayer and the one and only mmorpg I play I mostly play by myself like it's a single player game.

The game I play doesn't have voice chat but if they ever got it I would never use it.


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22 Dec 2012, 3:03 pm

I never play multiplayer. I don't even have my PS3 hooked up to the net. Unfortunately, so many games these days focus so much on the multiplayer that the single player gets neglected. I find the newest Twisted Metal barely playable because of the horrible computer AI that was apparently programmed in about five minutes. Your opponents never fight each other; they just bum rush you and never quit. Even when I can manage to win, it's just not fun.