Tohlagos wrote:
So besides England, what other countries have you enjoyed playing?
After reading some various walkthroughs/advice on countries, my first real game was with France. I ended up with half of Europe and the New World. But France is easy.
I tried my hand at Castle, but again found it a little boring due to its location and chances for the New World.
Then I went to far and tried to play Moscow and got my butt handed to me by the Golden Horde. lol
I then tried playing Brandenburg and again was crushed by Poland and Hungary.
That was when I took a few steps back and went to try England, which is going fine.
What countries would you advise as a step up from France/England/Castile? Venice? Poland? Ottoman?
Let's see, I had an absolutely EPIC game as Castille where I united Spain, conquered all of Europe, colonized the New World, and conquered as far east as the Caucasus. I then reloaded that save as the Ming and pushed as far as I could West, and then jumped back to Spain to fight the most ridiculous clash of nations in the history of the world. That was fun.
I like Poland, but it is ridiculously difficult in the beginning, due to the Mongols, but if you can keep them in check, it's got a great position to expand west and east. You just have to maintain an enormous army, since you have no natural defenses. Conquering the Hansa early is good, to have the best trade center in the world.
I've had some good times as Holland and Brabant, both to build the Netherlands and then operate as a pure trade/colonial power. Got a great trade center on Amsterdam to help. An early alliance with Burgundy helps, and, as per history, an alliance with Britain is a must, until colonial interests interfere.
I've also had some good times playing as non-European powers. Trying (and failing) to build up the Cherokee to be an empire capable of withstanding the Europeans was a unique experience. My favorite for this kind of thing was... I can't remember which, but one of the Indian nations. I actually conquered Britain, Holland, and Portugal, which wasn't easy, but played into my odd sense of humor.
So take your pick. If you go eastern european, then you've got the Golden Horde to worry about. Alliances will make all the difference here. Also, the golden horde's troops are many, but weak. A good sized European army with a good commander will wipe the floor with them. The problem, of course, being the expense, as you have to advance slowly and build forts to prevent their little one unit armies from reconquering everything you take.