Fortran77 wrote:
I've been playing casually for years, and, after reaching a certain point, I can't seem to get any better. Maybe 8-10 kills max, lot of deaths. I'm thinking maybe Asperger's has something to do with it since I seem to have slower reactions than other players and I get stuck with certain routine motions always at the wrong time. Also, I can't aim for sh**.
Has anybody else just plateaued and can't seem to get any better?
(Silly topic, I know, but I just finished getting smoked again. Black Ops II this time.)
I'm pretty sure it's because you're a Coug
(Sorry man, couldn't help it).
For real though, I am awful at Call of Duty. It's fun, but people who play that s**t spend so much time with it and are so insanely good that there's no real room for a "casual" player to succeed.
I played online for a couple years but it was very occasional, it wasn't even frustrating because it was so ludicrous how bad I was. That game is way too overstimulating for me to play for any extended period of time, the only time period I played online was immediately after I moved for grad school, and I played primarily as a way of interacting with my friends back home.
At any rate, I really suck at all first-person shooters. I'm playing Far Cry 3 currently and I am dominating, but that's because I'm playing on the easiest difficulty and as soon as possible made a point of saving enough money to buy a light machine gun
I know I made them a promise but those are just words, and words can get weird.
I think they made themselves perfectly clear.