Przemek87 wrote:
ipoxitye wrote:
i like building pixel art, mostly nintendo characters.
the biggest one i ever built was a gigantic link from legend of zelda that took five months!
Five months? Impressive!
I rarely build pixel art and and my creations are fairly simple. I built a Nyan Cat (not very original, I know) and Captain Viridian from VVVVVV on my server. I also have a dedicated pixel art world, but it's pretty much empty at the moment.
thanks! although i probably would have been able to shave off a month or two if i hadn't been procrastinating so much :p
i've built too many to name. i mostly build on my own server so more people can see what i built.
what's your preferred method of building pixel art? like do you do it row by row or build an outline and fill it in? or something else entirely? o:
i don't know what my signature should be, but i feel left out without one