In American McGee's Alice, the Cheshire Cat has tatoos. "Well, there's more than one way to skin a cat, if you'll pardon the expression." "Most unpleasant metaphor. Please avoid it in the future." !SPOILER SPOILER! He also gets decapitated, then brought back to life after the tentacly Red Queen/Alice's Insanity gets killed !END SPOILER END SPOILER!
In the games Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee and Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus, if you don't save the Modokens like you're supposed to and instead kill them all (because it's "more fun" for some players), then you'll regret it at the end, because Abe'll die. !SPOILER SPOILER! In Oddysee, he gets lowered into a meatgrinder. In Exoddus, he gets electricuted to death. !END SPOILER END SPOILER! It's not surprising: you're supposed to be the savior of your people, but you can make them die in so many ways, including: fall to their doom ("Weaaaaaaaaaaa!" DOON DOON DOON!), crushed (SPLAT! DOON DOON DOON! "Woops."), elecricuted ("Weaaaaaaaaaaa!" DOON DOON DOON!), chopped up (chink-SPLAT! DOON DOON DOON!), eaten (-Insert Paramite hiss here- "Puah!" SPLAT! DOON DOON DOON! -Insert the noises Paramites make when they chew on meat here-), shot ("FREEZE!" RATATATATATA "PUAH!" DOON DOON DOON! "Huh-huh-huh!"), or even beaten to death ("Puah! Puah! Puah! Puah! Puah!" Tsssss...DOON DOON DOON! "Huh-huh-huh! Woh. Tska-tska. Woh.").
In the RPG "Planescape: Torment," there is a chaste succubus named Fall-From-Grace who runs a Brothel of Intellectual Lusts, where the girls all provide some sort of mental stimulation instead of physical. You can add her to your party, and she has a diary in her inventory that, unfortunately, can never be read. Seriously. You can't even get a single glimpse in the entire game. You can ask her, "Can I read your diary?" And she's like, "No." And you gotta believe her, unfortunately.