Video games at Walmart behind glass.

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20 Jul 2015, 8:48 am

I understand the games being locked up to prevent shoplifting but they don't lock up anything else. Which would be extremely annoying, anyway. And I've bought most of my games at Walmart, as it's only one of two stores in my area that has a somewhat decent selection.


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20 Jul 2015, 3:18 pm

lostonearth35 wrote:
I understand the games being locked up to prevent shoplifting but they don't lock up anything else. Which would be extremely annoying, anyway. And I've bought most of my games at Walmart, as it's only one of two stores in my area that has a somewhat decent selection.

People are more likely to shoplift video games, computer software, electronic devices, and stuff of that nature.
That's why they have added security.

If people were willing to steal milk at the as much as they steal video games, then milk would be locked up too.

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03 Apr 2018, 8:11 pm

Violetvee wrote:
It does bug me that Wal-Mart keeps the majority of their games behind glass without even having the cases out for people to look at. The only ones that aren't are mostly games based on other licensed properties like Barbie or My Little Pony, games that have been out for a long while, or PC games. At this point I'm just glad that the only video game stuff I buy from there is pretty much accessories.

At a local Goodwill store here, they used to sell CDs and DVDs. They kept the empty cases on the shelves, and you
would bring them up to the counter, and they took the disc you wanted out of this giant binder that they had, and you
would make the purchase. Trouble is, the counter was not very secure, and the employees would often leave it empty for long stretches of time. One day, somebody went behind the counter and took that binder and made off with it undetected! OUCH! There was a game I really wanted to purchase, and when I took the box up to the counter, the cashier told me what happened. Needless to say, I was pissed.


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04 Apr 2018, 6:55 am

When I was a teen, kMart had the games on top of each other in lots of tall rows of cases that spun some so you could turn em to see all the backs.

Not everyone is comfortable doing online shopping. My parents give me checks as credit that they use to get me to buy things online for them.

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04 Apr 2018, 7:32 am

plateshutoverlock wrote:
One day, somebody went behind the counter and took that binder and made off with it undetected!


We have a thrift that does that...I had a time or two where they had trouble finding the disc I wanted, or they couldn't find it at all.

They only kept DVDs in it though, not CDs.

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06 Apr 2018, 5:09 pm

I never buy video games new or barely. The first game I bought new in awhile was Final Fantasy XV for Xbox One and that was a week ago. Bought it because Walmart had it brand new for 20 dollars and couldn't pass it up. But had to ask the guy to open the glass case though. But other than that. I usually buy games used at local video game stores. And they usually have the game discs in drawers and then buff it out.


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24 Apr 2018, 10:05 pm

It's like this at every department store I have been too. It's to keep people from stealing them. The cheaper or clearance games they won't keep behind glass. But I mostly buy games used and I seldom buy them new. Gamestop or used game stores I buy them at or online.

At a local Goodwill store here, they used to sell CDs and DVDs. They kept the empty cases on the shelves, and you
would bring them up to the counter, and they took the disc you wanted out of this giant binder that they had, and you
would make the purchase.

The Goodwills here don't have CDs and DVDs locked up except for this one Goodwill I know of. Lot of Goodwills here keep their goods locked up behind the case including some games. But the other games they keep on the shelf and people steal games out of them all the time which is why I open the cases first before buying. I once reported a empty Nintendo DS case to a security and told them they should lock their games up because people will take the game out of them. They seemed upset someone did that. But rule of thumb is always check the cases first before buying. Report any empty ones to the security or cashiers so they would know about theft going on. They might start locking them up.

I once got scolded at Gamestop for taking a Wii system out of the display case after they opened it. It was because they didn't allow their customers to touch it because people have taken a gaming system and ran out of the store with it after they had opened it. I was not away of their policy.

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26 Apr 2018, 12:31 am

I always dislike asking for stuff behind glass, so I normally shop at places where that isn't the case...or lately I've just been buying stuff online. Stores are still great for prompting me to impulse buy games mind you, as Amazon's where I generally just buy stuff I already intended to purchase. I suppose department stores with their shelves behind glass are still ok as there's usually a bargain bin or bargain shelf full of games that aren't behind glass, and that's the section I often browse if I'm ever in a store like that. Walmart is the only such store that still exists around here, but its $20 or less shelves aren't all bad. Heck, yesterday I scored a copy of the Zone of the Enders HD Collection for $3CAD at a small-town Walmart. I don't normally collect PS3 games anymore but I couldn't not take it for that price.