Esperanza wrote:
Guys, why don't we make an aspie guild? We can name it after Wrong Planet

and put it on a medium-sized PVE ("Normal") server. It would be nice to have other aspies to play with. I want to leave my main toons where they are, but I am willing to GM a guild with an alt, or roll a toon on any server if someone else wants to head up a guild there.
Is anyone interested?
Yeah...I mean some people at work got me to try it late last year, and I was surprised to find I really loved it. I thought it looked great, and was really fun. Just this huge, neat world with stuff to do and see. (Though I didn't like how you could only learn a few skills! I wanted to be able to learn everything!)
But...I have a huge backlog of games that I pick up cheap that I thought I should play through before paying money for WoW... would be great to get to know some other Aspies through the game! (Well, I'm not diagnosed yet, but that seems to be what's going on with me, I guess.)
But...I don't know that I can handle the "high-level" content in the game. I got up to level 15-17ish during my trial, but that was playing almost just by myself. I once tried to do one of those "raids" I guess they're called. It was where you leave the main world, and go into this tiny area where you're on a team, and there's another team, and you're fighting. I couldn't really figure out what I was doing-I just kept getting killed, and never tried that again. My understanding is that later in the game, that type of thing is all there is-like eventually you hit a level limit, and the only thing left to do is go in those "raids"?
I'm not sure I'd like that, or be any good at it. (I really hate deathmatch games, both because they're no fun for me, and I'm no good at them-and this seemed like the RPG equivalent of a deathmatch.)