Farunel wrote:
The art style wasn't my favorite, don't get me wrong, the game is beautiful.
I really like the art style, although Link's eyelashes are a bit much. I was just looking through beastiaries for the older games, and I forgot how stupid all of the 'blins looked in Skyward Sword >_< And Twilight Princess's style was...well...kind of weird in general.
I appreciated the neutrality of it all, but I did really feel like I was missing the FANASTIC orchestral tunes they have come up with in the past.
Yeah, for the most part, I think they just want you to enjoy the relaxing sounds of nature. It's cool, though, to hear music and know that something nice must be just over that hill. The first time I met Kass was like that.
Granted, I may have over prepared.
Probably. I know most of the minibosses and Guardians seemed incredibly dangerous when I first met them, but later on in the game, can be killed in just a few seconds.
I've been taking my sweet time doing side quests and things, and I've only completed two of the Divine Beasts, and both of their bosses seemed way too easy.
Afterall, I love Zelda, and have played almost all of their games (that have been available on the big screen, I HATE the portable tiny screens)...
You're missing out, Link's Awakening is one of the best games in the series, IMO. I really liked Minish Cap, too.
I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...