Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

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16 Mar 2017, 8:17 am

I started to play the game the other night and found the game really good. But I still haven't played much. From what I played. It's really good. I love it. The game looks beautiful. And is fun. But I only have one problem with the game and that's the frame rate. The frame can get pretty bad in the game. Especially when you're attacking enemies. The frame rate usually drops to below 30. But other then that. I love the game. I even posted a post on Miiverse last night with me screwing around in the game. Here's the pic I posted on there.


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16 Mar 2017, 12:38 pm

Still chipping away at this mountain of a game. I have the runes and the glider and have unlocked two towers/maps so far. Still a ways off from going after the divine beasts, but I'm still enjoying the game. My main focus right now are the shrines, the towers, and when I'm lucky the seeds that expand my inventory.


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16 Mar 2017, 7:59 pm

I really want to play it, but there's no way I'll be able to afford a Switch or even a Wii U to play it on anytime soon. :wall:

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20 Mar 2017, 10:37 am

Corny wrote:
But I only have one problem with the game and that's the frame rate. The frame can get pretty bad in the game. Especially when you're attacking enemies. The frame rate usually drops to below 30.

Yep. Sadly, this is true. And I'm not even that type of gamer who goes crazy if a game can't keep an amazing FPS rate, but the drops are pretty bad sometimes in this game. Worst cases are while in some towns/villages or when there is too much happening during combat.
But the good thing is the game is so good that this does not stand in the way of me having fun.

mr_bigmouth_502 wrote:
I really want to play it, but there's no way I'll be able to afford a Switch or even a Wii U to play it on anytime soon. :wall:

Used Wii U prices were already high after that stupid exploit allowing pirated games to be installed was released and when BotW launched they completely skyrocketed.


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20 Mar 2017, 9:02 pm

Beat my first divine beast, the bird one yesterday. Not gonna lie, I thought it would be a little bit tougher. Currently working on the camel divine beast which is a little tougher.

Corny wrote:
But I only have one problem with the game and that's the frame rate. The frame can get pretty bad in the game. Especially when you're attacking enemies. The frame rate usually drops to below 30.

This only happens when played on a tv. It doesn't do this in handheld mode.


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29 Mar 2017, 11:50 am

Got all the towers but one, and have all the runes unlocked. I made an attempt at Divine Beast Ruta, but couldn't get past the ice blocks part. Then I saw a video on YouTube where the guy used the Cryo rune on them instead of arrows, and I kind of was like "Ohhhhhh...."


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30 Mar 2017, 3:45 am

Im waiting till cemu can play it flawlessly. Then I'll be playing.


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30 Mar 2017, 6:10 am

I have done 3 of the beasts, done the main mission to retrieve the memories, got the master sword and made good headway with the last one with the Gorons, but also kind of just going around. Been able to increase armour up three levels, the price for the last fairy is quite high, and also been considering how to improve the Champion shirt, but getting two horns that is proving quite difficult.

Thought I might had in an interesting tip if not considered yet, in normal combat you can get up on a little elevated ground, jump, and use the bow in slow motion, which can be good for head shots. Hitting the eye of the guardians can be very effective, and with this and stasis you can improve time to hit the weak spots.

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01 Apr 2017, 8:52 am

I've been putting almost ever hour of free time into this game.

It's a LOT like the first game, which is what I was hoping for, but unexpectedly, I feel like it's also very similar to the second game. I also get a ton of Wind Waker vibes, which was one of my favorites.

My only complaints are very minor, the framerate doesn't even bother me (OOT was way worse). I only wish it had actual dungeons instead of just the few little ones and the hundreds of tiny ones. Maybe the DLC will rectify this.

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02 Apr 2017, 3:07 am

I honestly have mixed feelings about the game. I have been a big lover of Zelda since I was little, and backseat played with my mom when she was going through a divorce. I was around 6 at the time. I think she was playing Windwaker as a new release (and then OOT and Majora's mask shortly after again which I remember much more fondly) -- Anyways. My first impressions of the game were definitely extremely optimistic. I liked the fact that I could definitely get myself killed if I wasn't careful.

The fear of guardians was extremely exhilarating, and the fact that you could see most of the main bosses of the game from the very beginning was neat. The art style wasn't my favorite, don't get me wrong, the game is beautiful. But I am more fond of some of the darker themes like OOT and Majora's, Twilight Princess, even. This is a small qualm for me though.

I like the open world aspect of the game a lot, it felt nice to have absolute freedom over what I did. Another very small qualm was the variety of the horses. I really wanted a nice creamy paint horse... but came to find out that there is no way to get decent stats on paint horses (or the cream ones in general for some reason). Small qualm, again. Oh, and come to think of it... the soundtrack. I appreciated the neutrality of it all, but I did really feel like I was missing the FANASTIC orchestral tunes they have come up with in the past.

Now my biggest qualm. The bosses. I felt like these were WAY too easy. Granted, I may have over prepared. I was expecting some great epic fight out of these guys, given that we can see them from the start, and damn. They look freaky. I found most of the mechanics to be repetitive, and easy to avoid... and the puzzles weren't particularly as hard as some of their past. I did not die once doing the main bosses, and this kind of bothers me.

That being said, the puzzles and the way everything worked were extremely inventive and neat, I was gobsmacked by the creativity... There were almost always multiple ways to do things, ranging from the obvious, to the outright strange. The combat felt great. I absolutely hated the motion control exclusivity of Skyward Sword.

Maybe my complaints are mostly to do with me, and not the game itself. Afterall, I love Zelda, and have played almost all of their games (that have been available on the big screen, I HATE the portable tiny screens) I understand their puzzles very well, and it came intuitively to me on how to figure them out. I couldn't give a definitive rating of the game right now, even though I beat it. And to be fair, I did kind of rush through the game, as I had limited time to play it while a friend was visiting for just a week. I don't actually own it yet.

I do plan to buy a console, and the game for myself later. If only to try it again at a MUCH slower pace so I can enjoy more of the side questing, shrines, and overall exploration. (I headed for the main boss almost as soon as I could obtain the master sword, and had already completed the other bosses beforehand... I think I still had a tower to unlock at the end) I will definitely post again on it once I have been given a chance to do this, although it will be some time. So I guess my overall opinion of it is positive, considering that I have no problems dumping some of the little money I have on this game. I was just a bit disappointed by the boss fights and 'temples' not being as difficult as I would have liked. And I would have also liked more of the typical temples we have received in the past, I guess.


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07 Apr 2017, 8:03 am

Farunel wrote:
The art style wasn't my favorite, don't get me wrong, the game is beautiful.

I really like the art style, although Link's eyelashes are a bit much. I was just looking through beastiaries for the older games, and I forgot how stupid all of the 'blins looked in Skyward Sword >_< And Twilight Princess's style was...well...kind of weird in general.

I appreciated the neutrality of it all, but I did really feel like I was missing the FANASTIC orchestral tunes they have come up with in the past.

Yeah, for the most part, I think they just want you to enjoy the relaxing sounds of nature. It's cool, though, to hear music and know that something nice must be just over that hill. The first time I met Kass was like that.

Granted, I may have over prepared.

Probably. I know most of the minibosses and Guardians seemed incredibly dangerous when I first met them, but later on in the game, can be killed in just a few seconds.

I've been taking my sweet time doing side quests and things, and I've only completed two of the Divine Beasts, and both of their bosses seemed way too easy.

Afterall, I love Zelda, and have played almost all of their games (that have been available on the big screen, I HATE the portable tiny screens)...

You're missing out, Link's Awakening is one of the best games in the series, IMO. I really liked Minish Cap, too.

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14 Oct 2017, 1:13 am

Best purchase I ever made. Gave me over 200 hours of pure joy. Very impressed and enjoyed it very much. Not my favourite zelda game, but definitely up there. I'm pretty easy to please when it comes to Zelda games, I don't think there is one I haven't enjoyed playing.


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14 Oct 2017, 3:41 pm

hale_bopp wrote:
Best purchase I ever made.

Long time, no see!

(Well...to be fair, the gaming forum in general is a lot less bustling than it used to be.)

So did it take you a really long time to finish the game, or did you not buy it at launch?

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14 Oct 2017, 5:04 pm

SabbraCadabra wrote:
hale_bopp wrote:
Best purchase I ever made.

Long time, no see!

(Well...to be fair, the gaming forum in general is a lot less bustling than it used to be.)

So did it take you a really long time to finish the game, or did you not buy it at launch?

I finished it a couple of months back. But I spent a very long time exploring between dungeons.


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15 Oct 2017, 8:16 am

hale_bopp wrote:
I finished it a couple of months back. But I spent a very long time exploring between dungeons.

Yeah, I did a ton of exploring too. There was just an article recently about how they designed the game with "triangles", so that you would see something in the distance, but then on the way there, you would find something else and get distracted. http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2017/1 ... apparently

Looks like I beat the game with 100% sidequests on April 22. It says I had around 186 hours, but of course that isn't very accurate, since the timer keeps going while the game is paused for food/breaks/etc.

I haven't bothered with the DLC yet, I'm waiting for the second one, hoping it has some actual quality content and not just "quality of life" upgrades.

I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...