Prosser wrote:
What ever happened to survival horror?
The developers thought churning out dozens of games called Call of Duty which were the same game with a new graphics pack would make more money in the long run.
No, seriously, I have no idea. They stopped making them, I loved survival horror, that's why I love Dino Crisis 1, you can't go through and shoot everything to death, you'll run out of bullets and be killed way before that happens, so you need to improvise. And there's no health bar, you have to look at your character to see how she's doing. It's a sad death to die, wandering around the sterile halls of a laboratory looking for a health pack and you slowly but surely, bleed to death. THAT was a good game.
But I don't think they make the genre now, people want shooters and other online games. Survival horror isn't really suitable for online playing.