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Are you gonna stop playing WoW if WOTLK comes out?
Yes 39%  39%  [ 7 ]
No 61%  61%  [ 11 ]
Total votes : 18

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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30 Sep 2008, 7:10 am

Atomsk wrote:
I used to REALLY be into wow. I was completely ready for the WOTLK expansion... full t6 (and equiv on the non-set slots) gear on two characters, including offsets, and I was going to save up a TON of fel mana pots so I could just chain pot them while grinding on mobs for a never-ending grind. (one toon was a hunter, other was a druid)

Oh yeah, and Hand of A'dal title with bear mount.

And then I sold my account =D.

Never looked back and glad I did it.

Wow O.o

So how much did you get for your account?


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30 Sep 2008, 10:43 am

kdash wrote:
DeaconBlues wrote:
My wife preordered our three copies some time ago. I upgraded them to the Collector's Editions on the one day when it was possible - now we all get to run around with our own versions of Frosty the baby frost wyrm! :)

3 copies... O_O Who's the 3rd copy for?

That would be for our husband - we're in a triad marriage.

(To answer the two questions that immediately crop up every time - 1. No, we're straight [well, she leans toward bi, but knows she can't actually live with another woman]; 2. No, we're not all "legally" married - can't do that, in the States at least - but we're married where it counts, in our hearts.)

On Darrowmere, watch out for Veryniceguy, Morganamaeve, and Deathzareus (pronounced "Deaths'R'Us", but I guess he couldn't use the punctuation in the name)... :-)

Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.


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30 Sep 2008, 4:20 pm

I'm not getting the lich king expansion, and my reason why comes in the form of a five word title. Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning.

To elaborate just a bit on this, imagine taking the time-tested World of Warcraft formula, taking out everything that was ever crap about it (such as waiting three hours to find a tank or healer for an instance you end up not doing. I wish I was joking.) and add in comprehensive, strategic RvR. Some people will say "Strategy in an mmo? In pvp no less? You must be insane." But trust me, I play Order on the vortex server, and when I get on ventrilo with a couple of my guildmates and actually make an attempt to win, we win every time. Strategy, although rarely implemented, is key. For six months I played WoW so fanatically that my health started deteriorating, and in my first day of Warhammer Online I had more fun than in that entire half year put together. I'm not saying WoW is a bad game, just that I believe WAR is better.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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30 Sep 2008, 6:18 pm

DeaconBlues wrote:
kdash wrote:
DeaconBlues wrote:
My wife preordered our three copies some time ago. I upgraded them to the Collector's Editions on the one day when it was possible - now we all get to run around with our own versions of Frosty the baby frost wyrm! :)

3 copies... O_O Who's the 3rd copy for?

That would be for our husband - we're in a triad marriage.

(To answer the two questions that immediately crop up every time - 1. No, we're straight [well, she leans toward bi, but knows she can't actually live with another woman]; 2. No, we're not all "legally" married - can't do that, in the States at least - but we're married where it counts, in our hearts.)

On Darrowmere, watch out for Veryniceguy, Morganamaeve, and Deathzareus (pronounced "Deaths'R'Us", but I guess he couldn't use the punctuation in the name)... :-)

Ah ok, yeah I get it. And whatever makes you guys happy :)

Cool thxs, if I ever go on that server I might track you down and quest with yas or just pwn yous XD

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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01 Oct 2008, 5:23 am

Munzee wrote:
I'm not getting the lich king expansion, and my reason why comes in the form of a five word title. Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning.

To elaborate just a bit on this, imagine taking the time-tested World of Warcraft formula, taking out everything that was ever crap about it (such as waiting three hours to find a tank or healer for an instance you end up not doing. I wish I was joking.) and add in comprehensive, strategic RvR. Some people will say "Strategy in an mmo? In pvp no less? You must be insane." But trust me, I play Order on the vortex server, and when I get on ventrilo with a couple of my guildmates and actually make an attempt to win, we win every time. Strategy, although rarely implemented, is key. For six months I played WoW so fanatically that my health started deteriorating, and in my first day of Warhammer Online I had more fun than in that entire half year put together. I'm not saying WoW is a bad game, just that I believe WAR is better.


Well I reckon the same thing happened to WoW when it was 1st release like it wasn't too hard to find ppl to play with. What I'm trying to say is the same thing that happens to WoW now, is eventually gonna happen to Warhammer: Online I reckon.

And I'm not disagreeing with ya, don't get me wrong, just giving my opinion. And whatever makes you happy mate :)


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01 Oct 2008, 3:14 pm

As for the Warhammer criticism, I can fully expect that it will eventually deteriorate (community-wise) into the senselessness of solo grinding and watching your experience bar slowly rise in indirect proportion to your social skills, but if you're like me and enjoy mmorpgs in general, you really should try out WAR. You just might find something fantastic.

I just don't like WoW because of all the things in it that are massive wastes of time and take away from the experience overall, such as: sitting around for several minutes waiting for your health and mana to regenerate after a battle, searching for groups, grinding exp off of spiders, waiting for battleground queues and the like. The thing I hated the most, however, was raiding. I may be missing the appeal of fighting for half an hour against a single mob that has health points somewhere in the 580 billion range in an attempt to get raid gear that you have, say, a 1-100000 chance of getting... and I can understand that many people would rather fight against a computer than other players, but in my opinion, pvp is where the experience is at. Players will always be players, and though the game will become more complex as you gain levels, you know at least that the enemy doesn't have some kind of secret weapon or impossible-to-know infinite stat pools.

Again, I don't think World of Warcraft is a bad game, but in my opinion player vs player is more fun, and I think WAR does pvp better than any other mmo yet.

EDIT: I looked up the bill cosby video, and after watching I shuddered with horror at the way some humans act.

"What do you have to say for yourself?"
They were delicious.
"...this is a murder trial."
Well, they were.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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01 Oct 2008, 9:11 pm

Munzee wrote:
As for the Warhammer criticism, I can fully expect that it will eventually deteriorate (community-wise) into the senselessness of solo grinding and watching your experience bar slowly rise in indirect proportion to your social skills, but if you're like me and enjoy mmorpgs in general, you really should try out WAR. You just might find something fantastic.

lol exp bar rise in direct proportion to your social skills, good one :P

Hmmm I just don't want to waste money on something I'm not gonna play often and besides I'm in a pretty kick ass guild in WoW, the people there are awesome the most friendly I met in an online gaming community, so it'll be sad to leave them for WAR. But I dunno mebe I might give it a try one day.

Munzee wrote:
I just don't like WoW because of all the things in it that are massive wastes of time and take away from the experience overall, such as: sitting around for several minutes waiting for your health and mana to regenerate after a battle, searching for groups, grinding exp off of spiders, waiting for battleground queues and the like. The thing I hated the most, however, was raiding. I may be missing the appeal of fighting for half an hour against a single mob that has health points somewhere in the 580 billion range in an attempt to get raid gear that you have, say, a 1-100000 chance of getting... and I can understand that many people would rather fight against a computer than other players, but in my opinion, pvp is where the experience is at. Players will always be players, and though the game will become more complex as you gain levels, you know at least that the enemy doesn't have some kind of secret weapon or impossible-to-know infinite stat pools.

Yeah I hate sitting to regen mana/hp too, yeah group search can be a pain..... but that's why ppl recommend you join guilds = easier to find group. Hmmmm WoW were smart about the exp grind, it's not a continuous grinding off mobs to get exp, they offer a variety of different quests for you to do, and you get pretty big chunks of exp off them, and besides get a lv 70 to help ya questing makes you get exp quicker :D

Yeah raiding can be quite stressful and the loot you want might not always drop :( Or if it does and someone else wants it, you have to compete over it... But meh that's what guilds are for to minimise this problem. OMG! PvP.... :S Depends what battlegroup you're in (every few servers is part of the same battlegroup), some where alliance dominates, or horde, or balance.... the one I'm in horde dominates :( So it sucks to lose.....

lol some bosses do have secret wpns..... [/quote]

Munzee wrote:
Again, I don't think World of Warcraft is a bad game, but in my opinion player vs player is more fun, and I think WAR does pvp better than any other mmo yet.

Yer fair enuff mate.

Munzee wrote:
EDIT: I looked up the bill cosby video, and after watching I shuddered with horror at the way some humans act.



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03 Oct 2008, 8:48 am

Munzee wrote:
I'm not getting the lich king expansion, and my reason why comes in the form of a five word title. Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning.

To elaborate just a bit on this, imagine taking the time-tested World of Warcraft formula, taking out everything that was ever crap about it (such as waiting three hours to find a tank or healer for an instance you end up not doing. I wish I was joking.) and add in comprehensive, strategic RvR. Some people will say "Strategy in an mmo? In pvp no less? You must be insane." But trust me, I play Order on the vortex server, and when I get on ventrilo with a couple of my guildmates and actually make an attempt to win, we win every time. Strategy, although rarely implemented, is key. For six months I played WoW so fanatically that my health started deteriorating, and in my first day of Warhammer Online I had more fun than in that entire half year put together. I'm not saying WoW is a bad game, just that I believe WAR is better.

Just picked up WAR yesterday. I am having a blast! pvp at lvl 3 and actually held my own. Something I had a hard time doing in pvp in Wow even at high levels.
I think I might like this game! I'm sad though. My husband can't play yet because he needs a better video card. :(


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03 Oct 2008, 10:01 am

Munzee wrote:
I'm not getting the lich king expansion, and my reason why comes in the form of a five word title. Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning.

To elaborate just a bit on this, imagine taking the time-tested World of Warcraft formula, taking out everything that was ever crap about it (such as waiting three hours to find a tank or healer for an instance you end up not doing. I wish I was joking.) and add in comprehensive, strategic RvR. Some people will say "Strategy in an mmo? In pvp no less? You must be insane." But trust me, I play Order on the vortex server, and when I get on ventrilo with a couple of my guildmates and actually make an attempt to win, we win every time. Strategy, although rarely implemented, is key. For six months I played WoW so fanatically that my health started deteriorating, and in my first day of Warhammer Online I had more fun than in that entire half year put together. I'm not saying WoW is a bad game, just that I believe WAR is better.

Level 25 Swordmaster, here.
This man speaks the truth, it's fun from level one, and it never stops.

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03 Oct 2008, 10:04 am

Munzee wrote:
As for the Warhammer criticism, I can fully expect that it will eventually deteriorate (community-wise) into the senselessness of solo grinding and watching your experience bar slowly rise in indirect proportion to your social skills, but if you're like me and enjoy mmorpgs in general, you really should try out WAR. You just might find something fantastic.

I just don't like WoW because of all the things in it that are massive wastes of time and take away from the experience overall, such as: sitting around for several minutes waiting for your health and mana to regenerate after a battle, searching for groups, grinding exp off of spiders, waiting for battleground queues and the like. The thing I hated the most, however, was raiding. I may be missing the appeal of fighting for half an hour against a single mob that has health points somewhere in the 580 billion range in an attempt to get raid gear that you have, say, a 1-100000 chance of getting... and I can understand that many people would rather fight against a computer than other players, but in my opinion, pvp is where the experience is at. Players will always be players, and though the game will become more complex as you gain levels, you know at least that the enemy doesn't have some kind of secret weapon or impossible-to-know infinite stat pools.

Again, I don't think World of Warcraft is a bad game, but in my opinion player vs player is more fun, and I think WAR does pvp better than any other mmo yet.

EDIT: I looked up the bill cosby video, and after watching I shuddered with horror at the way some humans act.

Leveling 1-3 times a day, with the cap being 40, I doubt you'll ever need to solo-grind. :wink:
Renown cap is 80, but you can't exactly solo-grind that. It's more of a PvP thing.

There isn't a sharp line dividing humans from the rest of the animal kingdom. It's a very wuzzie line. It's a very wuzzie line,
and it's getting wuzzier all the time.