musicman2059 wrote:
The only issue I have is that if a game is released on both console and handheld, usually the handheld version is vastly inferior to the console version; Be forewarned.
I actually thought the DS Lego Star Wars (complete saga or whatever) was a bit better than the console/PC ones. When I was playing Lego Star Wars 2 (which Traveller's Tales didn't port) I kept wondering how the console version compared...but the Complete Saga (which TT did port) I was having too much fun to care. Then I got to play the PC demo, and I still kind of preferred the DS one...the levels were a lot more compact and streamlined, and required a whole lot less dinking around, and the camera was a lot more tolerable.
Haven't really gotten to try the console/PC Lego Batman yet, but I thought the DS one was pretty good. Just kind of dumb that they force you to use the touch screen to activate special either keep your stylus in hand while you play, or you smudge up your screen =/
I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...