Kirska wrote:
Shiny HD graphics, multiplayer functionality, and extra features do a lot for me personally
The main problem is that the industry focuses waaaaaaay too much on those things. So much so, that the gameplay is seriously left hanging as a result.
Kirska wrote:
Consumer hype also has an effect on my enjoyment of a game. A good example would be Rock Band. One of the main reasons I enjoy it so much is that it is frequently at parties and other social gatherings because it is so mainstream and popular. I can play every instrument on hard/expert depending on the song and it really helps me in situations where it's available to start conversations. When I was 15 I bought nice DDR pads because all my friends were playing and I was tired of sitting in the back watching but didn't want to make a fool of myself so I started practicing at home.
Personally, I don't care about consumer hype or the overall popularity of a game. All I care about is whether or not the game is good.
And from what I've seen, only a
very small handful of current-gen games are actually any good at all. The vast majority of them are utter garbage, for reasons which I stated above.
Kirska wrote:
I'm not saying these things are all that matter, but I am saying that they do have a pretty great effect on the quality of a game for some, especially the less hardcore gamers.
That may be so, but I personally do not care about any of that. I never have, and I never will.
The only things that concern me are gameplay, creativity, imagination and innovation. And I am just not seeing any of that in the vast majority of current-gen games.
I can honestly say that I have gotten much more enjoyment out of older games than I ever did from almost all of the current stuff.
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