noumenon wrote:
Woah they actualy updated No Man's Sky?! I just deleted it last week, sounds like it may be worth re-downloading, not like it was a huge download anyways. Did they fix any of the performance issues? I was able to run it fine at 40fps but it would be nice to hit that 60fps mark.
I've hit 60 FPS myself. Some people still have screwy issues, though one thing I learned is that it can actually be freaking Windows interfering with it (particularly Windows 10). Someone gave me a loooooooooong and very technical explanation of how this happens. I didnt understand a damn word of it
But yeah, it isnt JUST the game causing it. There are various solutions/guides on how to fix the issues out there for this game; if you're still having the trouble, might be worth looking it up. For me though I didnt need to use any fixes, I'm just at 60 FPS normally. long as I dont alt-tab out of the game. Things get WEIRD if I do that.
Anyway, yeah, the game really improved alot here, but it depends on what you want out of it.
For example, one way or another this IS still a survival-genre game. ALL games in that genre are very repetitive; it's the nature of the beast. That aspect will NEVER go away. Ever. Wether it's something like Minecraft, or something like Dont Starve, they ALL do this, and NMS is not and never will be an exception to the rule. People keep expecting that this aspect will go away for some reason. Baffles me.
And the survival mode isnt for everyone either. I cant even overstate just how freakishly difficult it is. I mean, it's *really* hard. Like "Dark Souls cant even compare" level of hard. And this is me saying this, and I'm someone that's used to bullet-hell games and roguelikes. For me to label something as being so freaking difficult says alot, and I dont do it often. *I* like this mode, alot (more challenge is what I wanted) but yeah, not for everyone.
The normal mode is still there though, of course. I havent played the normal mode in this version, but I'm told that it too is a bit harder; wether or not that's actually true, I cannot confirm.
But yeah, they're going in the right direction with the game. Filling up the holes, so to speak. The base building and such gives the player much more to do. And more new content/items means you've got more things to mess with. All these new resources and mechanics to deal with (like the "hazmat gloves", to get at materials you cant even touch because they're so hazardous, such as these strange purple plants that do who knows what)
The survival mode also has one other advantage: It makes all those items and techs MATTER. Previously alot of the techs were unimportant because there were never any threats, so you'd say "What, another damage boost? Why would I even need it?" Same with alot of crafted items like shielding shards and such. This irritated me alot.
But if you're playing that mode? Yeah. You want that stuff. All of it. When I played the game before, I hardly crafted items all that much because they just werent necessary. Now I'm doing it FREQUENTLY, and I JUST started. It'll only get more necessary from there. Right now, shielding shards and power gels. Never touched them before. Very much need them now. So that works nicely for those that get into that mode.
Anyway, yeah, it just depends on what you want out of the game. The ONE thing that's missing is some sort of difficulty mode between normal and survival. Normal is way too easy, but survival is way too freaking hard for many players.
I'd recommend giving the game another go, just be prepared for possible massive frustration if you give the new mode a try. It's never GENUINELY unfair... but it WILL seem like it. Just wait'll you have to find some Heridium. Protip: Some of the ore types have changed shape. Wish I knew this BEFORE going on a wacky quest to find that blasted stuff.