noumenon wrote:
I've never been able to beat more than 2-3 bosses in 20XX, I was never any good at Megaman though

but it is definitely worth picking up tomorrow at the Steam Winter Sale if anyone here is a Megaman fan. You planning to get anything during the sale Misery?
And that game has actually gotten harder recently, too. Enemies are being upgraded recently and some bosses have gotten new patterns or been redone from the ground up. Though the fight against Eternal Star is still a confused mess. They havent fixed that guy yet. He's a horrid disaster if fought too late in the game.
As for the winter sale, I cant think of anything. As I dont really have much of a spending limit, chances are if I wanted it, I've already bought it. I'm not patient enough to wait for a sale. Though, there hasnt exactly been much in the way of interesting releases lately anyway. Been kinda dull on that front recently. Granted, with Steam being so bloated lately, there could be all sorts of things that I've totally missed, simply because it's nigh-impossible to actually know about 90% of the games that get released on there.