I bought a PS4 at Christmas, mostly so I could play Bloodborne.
I've been playing it to an unhealthy extent. It might be the best game that I've ever played.
While I'm at it, the PS4 Slim is an amazing console in terms of the aesthetic design, size, noise, power usage and the controller. My computer is much more powerful but there's a lot to be said for a tiny machine that games at 80W and Just Works.
I've also been slowly working through Ratchet and Clank. The PS4 remake, that is. I've played every main R&C game and enjoyed every one, I think Insomniac could make these games forever and I would keep playing them. The graphics are amazingly well-produced, to the point where some in-game cutscenes will have you questioning whether they're pre-rendered or not. (and no, I'm not referring to the scenes pulled from the movie that are very clearly pre-rendered)
I worked through Dark Souls 3 while doing my Bloodborne playthrough. Being able to play at downsampled 1620 at a constant 60 frames make me wish for a Bloodborne PC port, but that will never happen given that Sony produced it. DS3 is a very good game, though, but it has the most nonsensical implementation of poise that I have ever heard; instead of affecting your stagger resistance, it affects how many invincibility frames your dodges have after being attacked. In other words, heavy armour makes your dodges more effective when you're recovering from attacks. Before this discovery people assumed that poise simply didn't work but I feel like the truth of it is worse.