Currently playing alot of Streets of Rogue.
It's like Deus Ex mixed with Grand Theft Auto while also being a roguelike, and it has an absolutely great emergent gameplay quality to it in a similar way to Dwarf Fortress (extremely rare in games as a whole). This is basically everything that I always WANTED Grand Theft Auto to be, yet it never was. There's no cars though. It doesnt need cars. Instead it has... every other freaking thing. I'm absolutely stunned by the sheer creativity and quality in this one. I havent had this much pure fun with a game in a long time, and the incredible character variety means that tons of playstyles are possible. Some characters are best at smashing their way through things, but then you've got ones like the Hacker, who is godawful at fighting but really good at using his remote device to control all sorts of gizmos and turn them to his advantage, using them against their owners or doing all sorts of interesting things. And then you've got ninjas and vampires and gorillas and investment bankers and seriously I dont know how the developer comes up with this stuff, particularly since every single character is very different from the others in terms of how they affect gameplay (that's REALLY hard to pull off, in game design). Same with the items... stuff like guns or swords are one thing, but then you've got other stuff like the Holographic Bigfoot or the Kill Healthenizer and much stranger stuff.
I can get endless replay value out of this one. That's really rare for me. It also has a stealth element that I dont hate, which is even more rare.