Sallee92 wrote:
Finished Shantae Half-Genie Hero(Switch) the other day 100% complete.Really enjoyed the game and was the first Shantae game I've ever played through.The transformations were really neat too. Nice music and fun as well ^_^.Hardest level overall was Tassel Town(first time with just the ability to transform to monkey.Getting Harpy later when backtracking there made it a breeze) with timing the jumps to moving platforms and trying to avoid getting hit by the archers.
Currently playing Blaster Master Zero(Switch) really like the game just done Areas 3,4 and 5.
I played Half Genie Hero not long ago! It was my first Shantae too. It's a shame how much backtracking there is given the lack of content, I was really surprised when I realised the ~spooky castle~ (whatever it was called) was the penultimate area. Backtracking isn't bad in a proper Metroidvania since there's more interconnectivity and fun items to find, but HGH doesn't have much of that and simply forces you to replay bits of levels and find items to advance the game. It just comes across as padding.
After playing I went back and tried Risky's Revenge. It's fun! But I stalled at some point and haven't played much.