Trying to finish Glory of Heracles and Tales of Eternia. But come next week, I'll be all about Chibi-Robo: Photo Finder. Possibility of Diablo III or LEGO Marvel this weekend...
Joined: 28 Jun 2010 Gender: Male Posts: 386 Location: Merseyside, UK
10 Jan 2014, 5:38 am
I've been playing Metro: Last Light, finishing off the DLC now and I'm consistently impressed at how the game looks on PC, at max settings. I also just started playing Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance since it just released on Steam and I'm surprised at the quality of the port, it's even smoother than the console versions when maxed out. The game itself is incredible although I already knew that, having bought it on PS3 when it came out - might be my favourite character action game.
Joined: 20 Dec 2013 Age: 31 Gender: Male Posts: 17
11 Jan 2014, 12:42 pm
I swear, if i ever become a film director i will fight to achieve the rights to adapt Project Zero 2 or 3 to a movie. And yes, that is the indirect way of telling you: Im currently playing number 3 ( The Tormented)
But currently, the plan is to mainly become a game-designer. Not a director
Thanks to Playstation+ I'm now playing through DMC. I was playing Sonic Colors, but I gave up on it as it just started to get too difficult & frustrating for me ( I'll be sending it back to Gamefly once my sister's boyfriend is done with it ).