DeepHour wrote:
Playing the third episode of Quake.
This game's a bit of a pain in the neck. Constant ammo shortages, and impossible to stick around and explore many areas because of all the damn zombies (and no rocket launcher or grenade launcher so far to dispose of them with). Result is that one is forced to rush through the levels, killing only around half the enemies.
No mods?
I hadn't played through the vanilla levels in a long time, and a few months ago I went through about half of E1 and had quite a bit of fun. I have my own mod I made with a bunch of bug fixes and things, and I always have most of Patrick Martin's patches in there, so Ogre grenades will gib Zombies, and other monsters with huge claws (Shambler and maybe the Fiend?) will have a random % chance of gibbing them too.
I've seen other mods that have given the axe a random chance to gib zombies, but I think it would be more fair to combine that with a counter, so that you have to whack them a few times before your odds get high enough (maybe square it?). Hmm, I might actually toy around with that idea, or maybe have the axe do incremental damage to ALL monsters O_O ...well, that might be going a bit far...
I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...