SabbraCadabra wrote:
Misery wrote:
As for the graphics, I thought they were pretty darned nice myself. There's one specific area that's got the "blue" look but other than that they're quite varied. Screw the snow zone though, I always hated that place.
I just meant the part about flat games. All the screenshots looked very flat, and I've played very few side-scrollers that restricted Y-movement and weren't boring.
I think the last flat game I played was Legend of the Dark Witch...I downloaded the demo and decided not to buy the full game.
"Cool, it -is- just like Mega Man! ...if Mega Man didn't have any stages..."
The game doesnt restrict vertical movement as much as you think. I looked at the screenshots on the game's store page... yeah, they look horizontal. But I think they were chosen because they show off things like the game's background, for instance. Hell, same with the game's trailer; it seems to go out of it's way to avoid showing vertical areas or climbing/falling despite them being half of the bloody game.
Look at this: One of the seemingly really-horizontal screenshots on the store page is a zoomed in version of a section of this map. This is one of the two level types you can get as your first level in a run, and it's generally the most simple of all of them. Alot of your time in a map like this will be spent on that complicated left section. Horizontal sections are actually the fastest to complete.
The game though puts a really high emphasis on climbing ladders/ropes (which are everywhere), jumping to/from those things, and most important of all, diving down long distances. There is fall damage in the game, but you can dodge-roll just as you land to prevent all of it (or certain items can cancel it) and this is something you need to do *frequently*, particularly during the teleporter-spawn-rush that happens at the end of each level (which is where the combat becomes this massive battle).
Different levels have different focuses on terrain types. For example the snow zone is mostly vertical; it tests your ability to deal with ropes and falls during combat, which can be problematic. Or the mushroom zone is one gigantic loop, with a horizontal section on top and bottom, vertical on left and right, and a complicated middle zone in the center (the overall stage map being shaped like a square).
Also your jumping ability, small though it is, is really important. Overall, if you find yourself spending too much time just on one horizontal plane, chances are, you're either A: about to be dead or B: about to generate a situation where you'll soon be dead. ANd lastly there's also things like bounce pads (shoot you upwards an extreme vertical distance really fast; to be used with great caution).
Honestly if the game had really boring/flat level design, I'd never have gotten into it, because frankly I hate that sort of thing. I need dynamic level design in order for a platformer to work for me. I saw the Dark Witch game, and I see what you mean, that game really is one of those, I'd not have liked it either.