As hard as I tried, I just couldn't get into Twilight Princess. It took what's standard for a Zelda game and spread it out way too wide. I mean, you're 10 hours in before the game starts getting REALLY good. Not to mention the boss battles were so easy they were insulting. And bringing in Ganon halfway was a lame plot twist. Either have him right at the beginning or don't have him at all. I still haven't finished it because the game felt like work, not fun (hell Wind Waker was more fun, and I never thought I'd say that).
I was also really disappointed by Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. I LOVED Sands of Time and couldn't wait to play the sequel, but it just took everything I liked and made it annoying. The angsty take on the Prince was cliched (making the dialogue wretched), the levels were repetitive and the constant back-tracking confused me (a clear sign they rushed development), and the constant metal soundtrack had me muting the TV.
MGS4 was also a disappointment. I liked MGS2 despite it's light gameplay and overlong non-sensical story, but easily felt it could've been improved. MGS3 was a huge improvement, adding more depth to the gameplay and more reasonable cutscene length (not to mention the story wasn't as bonkers). I get the feeling Kojima just lost all restraint on MGS4, because the cutscene length was insane and just not very well written or executed. Aside from the fact the story was nuts I got hung up on small details that just took me out of it like: "Why is Naomi's shirt always unbuttoned? Why is she never wearing a bra? Why do they keep going for shots of Beauty & the Beast camel toe?". Stuff like that felt really immature and undermined the serious tone I think Kojima was going for.
Not to mention the controls were just irritating, even when I customized them the way I like. It's the same reason I didn't like RE5, and this is gonna sound weird, but game developers are giving us TOO MANY options concerning controls. I'd gotten really used to RE4's method, so to completely uproot that (even when I went back to classic mode) just threw off my game. Also, do you know ANYONE who uses a Wiimote when playing Smash Bros Brawl? Give me a break Nintendo. Smash Bros Brawl has no unique Wii functionality. Just let us play with the Wavebird and shut up.
But going back to MGS4, my best friend Jeff is one of the best gamers I know, and he beat MGS4 on the hardest setting in 6 hours. Supposedly the game has EIGHT HOURS worth of cutscenes, all of them portraying stuff that could've been told in half the time or we just don't care about (I don't care if that little girl learns how to cook eggs right!). Big disappointment.
OH GOODIE! - Three Chords in Three Panels
NEVER NORMAL - Saving the World Between Sketchbooks