Bradleigh wrote:
I haven't played too much but lately word is that XIII is way to linear, some are going so far as to say it is like an interactive movie.
yea i heard that too but i got it's actually not much more linear than ff10 was. ff10 was actually quite linear, at least until you get to the calm lands and start the monster arena (but even then the game didn't really open up until you after zanarkand). yea sure you had blitzball to detract you from the linear nature of the game but that was all for most of it. i didn't even like blitzball.
the Crystarium (which was a big thing criticized for its linear nature) doesn't really seem much different than the sphere grid in ff10
i guess because the sphere grid looked complicated, the fact that most paths were locked out forcing you to stay on one path doesn't seem so linear. at least you can unlock them, right?
well you can eventually let everyone have any role in ff13 so there goes that issue.
now if you're talking about the expert sphere grid...that's a different story
despite you only controlling one character during battle, the battle system is one of the most engaging i've ever seen because of the Paradigm Shift system (which you get like an hour or two in)
so yea...don't knock it until you try it. at least rent it or something and give it a try.
anyways my that's a tough one. the only ones i haven't played so far are 8, 11, and 14. but my fav has to be either 6, 9, or 10. haven't beaten 13 yet so i can't tell about that (on chapter 11 doing missions), but the story of 13 is pretty neat