Saints Row The Third VS GTA 4
Personally I look forward to getting Sleeping Dogs as my first open world game (that isn't sims), then maybe GTA4.
Obviously I have no opinion on either of the two titled games as I haven't played them, but my BF loves both for different reasons (and feels they shouldn't be compared)
I once heard a game critic describe the SR franchise as someone taking GTA: SA and saying "like this, but wackier", and doubling the wackiness with each sequel. That sounds about right to me. I enjoy both franchises for different reasons, for all the similarities in their game styles and themes they are very different games and not really directly comparable. It has been interesting to see some of the things that R* actually borrowed from SR, notably the cell phone and taxi system, especially when so many people just thought SR was a straight GTA rip.
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez
Tacky and crass yes but I reject the "close minded" I bought SR 1,2,3 I really wanted it to be a awsome game like GTA (healthy competition and all that) I was willing to accept it for what it was "wacky" and puerile, why I luv Duke Nukem Forever for those reasons. I think that's where SR fails and Duke succeeds I was able to tap into my inner juvenile in SR ? "NO" though I was able to do that with DNF , it was like being a 90's teenager all over again , though being autistic it was only a fleeting moment.
My theory why Duke got such a poor reception ? (interestingly the PC gaming magazines where more generous up to a 7/10 while the console mags gave it a 2-5 /10 on average) was the committee they did not like it when Duke insults their games or the people who play them, so yes thanks Mr. Nukem for opening my eyes to the silliness of the dude bro games of this world, though even with out his insights I would have a "got off" the military fps shooter bandwagon express , I'm mildly
I got on it though I suspect it was like a one night stand, play the ^&*( out of it wake up the next day never to be seen again. Though to be fair to the FPS demographic theirs quality to be had like Metro 2033 or Far Cry 2 though sadly the next installments if You Tube teaser trailers lead me correctly to believe it seems like they have gotten the dude bro treatment. Approach with caution.
Not sure about Sleeping Dogs I don't hold much hope one of the PC magazines that I read and respect (even though I'm a console gamer) only gave it a 6.5 /10 I know it's foolish without playing it but judging by the YT footage that seems about on the money.
Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob
Last edited by aussiebloke on 07 Oct 2012, 9:00 pm, edited 3 times in total.
I don't have a problem with the graphics of SR , actually their kinda charming in a old school kind of way .
Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob
I thought Saints Row was horrible. Tiny map, over the top... EVERYTHING. Bad driving animations/controls + weird flying. Repetitive stuff. The only Saints Row that competes with GTA was Saints Row 1 for me. God that game was good.
"Julius you know he has to be cannonized!" "You ready for this playa?" haha. Great stuff
I wish GTA hadn't abandoned the weapon handling leveling from SA, I always like games that allow you to get better at things by practicing. I'd also like to see an expanded version of SR3's weapon upgrading, perhaps with branching trees like seen in RPG skilltrees or different mods like in Crytek shooters. I'd also love to see someone use a lifetime notoriety system, like if you constantly commit outrageous and blatant crimes the cops notice you more quickly and respond in greater force than if you'd been more subtle in your methods. I like being able to change the experience by playing differently, so small degrees of customizing go a long way with me.
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez
Well, SR3 is in my Xbox right now and I'm about to start the game. While I don't have sky high expectations, SR2 was really just a lot of very casual, wacky fun for me and I'm expecting more of the same, only more over the top. I guess you could say that's the type of game that I like, since I like others such as No More Heroes or Lollipop Chainsaw or Serious Sam or other crazy games. Aussiebloke did bring up Duke Nukem Forever, of which I only played the demo for. I watched more videos of the game, and it did look fun and kind of old school in design(which I won't knock it for at all), but the demo I played felt very clunky and I doubt I'd spend much money on it if it wasn't too different from the full game.
Guess I should say I was never really a Duke Nukem fan, though. DNF was the first I've played or seen at all, really. I did download DN3D after, but I got a headache, possibly even motion sickness from playing it.
About suffering they were never wrong,
The Old Masters: how well they understood
Its human position; how it takes place
While someone else is eating or opening a window or
just walking dully along...
Your right their I've yet to dislike a game from that company , they make the best RPG's. Though I do worry it was in "collaboration," it's for that reason I wont buy Bulletstorm as it's in "collaboration" with those epic failures at EA, sadly if I judge it by the YT videos it seems to have to much Gears of EA and not enough Serious Sam .

Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob
Your right their I've yet to dislike a game from that company , they make the best RPG's. Though I do worry it was in "collaboration," it's for that reason I wont buy Bulletstorm as it's in "collaboration" with those epic failures at EA, sadly if I judge it by the YT videos it seems to have to much Gears of EA and not enough Serious Sam .

Bulletstorm was made by People Can Fly, in collaboration with Epic. EA was simply the publisher. Serious Sam was made by a different company.
As for Sleeping Dogs, Square Enix is the publisher. It was made by United Front Games in collaboration with Square Enix London Studio, though they were only involved later in development. United Front Games was the primary developer where Sleeping Dogs started development as an original title, but when it was first actually announced in 2009 it was to be True Crime: Hong Kong until Activision eventually canceled the game in 2011, where it went back to being an original title when 6 months later Square Enix bought the rights to publish it.
Your right their I've yet to dislike a game from that company , they make the best RPG's. Though I do worry it was in "collaboration," it's for that reason I wont buy Bulletstorm as it's in "collaboration" with those epic failures at EA, sadly if I judge it by the YT videos it seems to have to much Gears of EA and not enough Serious Sam .

Bulletstorm was made by People Can Fly, in collaboration with Epic. EA was simply the publisher. Serious Sam was made by a different company.
As for Sleeping Dogs, Square Enix is the publisher. It was made by United Front Games in collaboration with Square Enix London Studio, though they were only involved later in development. United Front Games was the primary developer where Sleeping Dogs started development as an original title, but when it was first actually announced in 2009 it was to be True Crime: Hong Kong until Activision eventually canceled the game in 2011, where it went back to being an original title when 6 months later Square Enix bought the rights to publish it.
You missed the point I was trying to make make , it it trys to be a Duke/Serious SAM clone and fails it's Duke in a epically tight EA straight jacket. 2 of the most corporatist companies in the business Apparently I've been lead to believe it's old school in game design but from what I can gather off YT this game seems to old school FPS what Borderlands is to "rpg"
To be honest apart form R* I'm over the western dev with their 50 shades of poo faced seriousness , with the graphics to match!. I think japan rulz with it's mental designs and out their humour. I think those people who say the Japanese games industry is as dead as their economy is perpetuated by people who don't know how to have fun (and I don't and even I still can) I am aspie after all.

Spell checked fixed.
Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob
Last edited by aussiebloke on 10 Oct 2012, 8:06 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Agreed I don't even take a look see at what those guys are doing these days , I'm beginning to feel that way with uber to, though to be fair Far Cry 2 was great as was Driver San Fransisco a seriously pleasant surprise though I hold no hope for FC #3 it looks to have gotten the "COD" treatment .I shall wait and see.....
Hooray spell check works.
Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob
Having never played Saints Row I cannot compare but I don't like switching game series too much as it means learning new controls which mean switching back x number of months down the line when I will have to get used to the old controls again. I had those difficulties when switching back and forth from GTA to Gran Turismo with the PS2 console.
But I absolutely love GTA 4 - I play on it every night nearly and just love whizzing round and round on 6 stars until I get bored. It's much better than the rubbish on the tele most nights!
It surprise me no one mentions Yakuza , easily on par with GTA and in many ways a superior game. At the risk of sounding like that 1999 angry gamer guy as in nothing good was made after that date it's gloriously old school some have said it's the spiritual successor of Shenmue . This is one of the few games that makes me feel like a proper gamer (it is from Japan so it's to be expected I suppose) I think Western developers can learn a lot from this game eg massive map doesn't = awsome or simple run of the mill gameplay can still be engrossing and fun (it's not a very hard game to master)
Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob