I've played Arc The Lad: Twilight of the Spirits. (Arc The Lad 4)Almost beat it. FFTA, Golden Sun, Dark Cloud 2, Rogue Galaxy, The World Ends With You, Kindgom heats 1, 2, and then a little bit of chain of memories and 358/2 days. Never bought Birth By Sleep. There are many others...Chrono Chross, FF7, etc. Although I have not played Shadow Hearts. Shadow Hearts1 and 2 are supposed to have great gameplay and a compelling, dark and interesting storyline that draws on older history. From The New World though, is just bizarre. There's a character who's like some sort of Latino Ninja who learned his art in the Amazon....IDK about that.
Out of all of these games, I really liked KH1, Arc The Lad 4, Chrono Cross, (don't forget Chrono Trigger as well) and also The World Ends With You. Arc The Lad 4 had moderate level gameplay but the story was AMAZING. It really deserved to be a novel. Chrono Cross had a lot of intriguing concepts to it, in both gameplay and story, as it revolved around a regular dimension and another alternate dimension called Other World. It's the same world but things are different in both, which means that you sometimes have to go to one or the other to get things accomplished. There was also a large cast of recruitable characters. KH! was also amazing for it's storyline. The World Ends With You was great because it had a lot of unique concepts and an interesting style. Also it was fast paced, and the whole concept was pretty cool.
Never played Birth By Sleep, because I was sick and tired of the monotonous, rambling side stories and back stories that I didn't care about coupled with repetitious gameplay.