Tross wrote:
I play my wii from time to time. I have a backlog for it, and I still buy the occasional game for it. I have more physical games than downloads, and have stuck with virtual console games on the digital front. On average, I really enjoy the games I do buy for it, since I rarely come across a game that I know absolutely nothing about, and what I do know about games helps me to decide whether one is right for me or not. My mom and dad bought my wii and gave it to me for Christmas a few years ago. I didn't ask for it, but they heard that motion control was all the rage, and my mom thought it was cool, so they thought they'd surprise me with it, since I'm the gamer in the family. Of course I already had a list of titles in my head that I would pick up if I somehow ended up with a wii, but I didn't think I'd make use of it. So, since I had one at that point, I decided to pick up the games I wanted for it.
I've been slowly trying to acquire the so called "must plays" for the system, as well as some more obscure games that also make the system worth owning. I don't have The Last Story yet, so maybe I should order it before it gets too expensive. I won't buy Xenoblade Chronicles, since it's way too expensive at this point. As awesome as it sounds, I think I'll have to pass on it. I do have a copy of Monster Hunter Tri though, which is also supposed to be rare. While I consider my Metroid Prime Trilogy Collection to be the black sheep of my collection, it's also worth quite a bit. A new copy is apparently worth $170, and though I don't know what an opened copy would be worth, I'm sure it's still more than I paid for it.
you can hack your wii and play Xenoblade Chronicles and Metroid Prime Trilogy for free
PM me if u want more info.
Its easy, all u really need is Super Smash Bros Brawl and a SD card